NautilusCognitive Software-Radio Enabled Fair Spectrum Access in Open Spectrum Systems |
Wireless devices are becoming ubiquitous, placing increasing stress
on the fixed radio spectrum available to all access technologies. To
eliminate interference between different wireless technologies,
current policies allocate a fixed spectrum slice to each
technology. This static assignment prevents devices from efficiently
utilizing allocated spectrum, resulting in spectrum holes (no targeted
devices in local area) and very poor utilization (6-10%) in other
areas(DARPA source). Studies have shown that reuse of such
"wasted" spectrum can provide an order of magnitude improvement in
system capacity. These results further motivate the Open Spectrum
approach to spectrum access. Enabled by software defined radio (SDR)
technology, Open Spectrum allows unlicensed (secondary) users to share
spectrum with legacy (primary)
spectrum users, thereby "creating" new capacity and commercial
value from existing spectrum ranges. Based on agreements and
imposed by primary users, secondary users opportunistically utilize
licensed spectrum on a non-interfering or leasing basis.
The Open Spectrum approach to spectrum access can achieve near-optimal
utilization by allowing devices to sense and utilize available spectrum
opportunistically. However, a naive distributed spectrum assignment can
lead to significant interference between devices. In this series of
work, we define a general framework that defines the spectrum access
problem for several definitions of overall system utility.
Collaboration and Fairness in Opportunistic Spectrum AccessTalks: coming soon!
Haitao Zheng, Chunyi Peng
IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC)2005
Korea, May,2005
Also as MSR Technical Report, Feb. 2005 [Abstract , PDF ]
Utilization and Fairness in Spectrum Assignment for Opportunistic Spectrum Access
Chunyi Peng, Haitao Zheng, Ben Y. Zhao
accepted by ACM Monet [Abstract ]
Distributed Spectrum Allocation via Local Bargaining
Lili Cao, Haitao Zheng
accepted by IEEE SECON 2005 PDF [Abstract]
Device Centric Spectrum Management
Haitao Zheng, Lili Cao
accepted by IEEE Dyspan 2005 PDF [Abstract]