Package pop.gui

Class Summary
AbstractStep Abstract ancestor of all actions.
ActionManager Keeps track of actions performed.
DataAction Ancestor of the four types of data entry/edit/retrieval actions.
DetailedAction Displays detailed results.
FertilityAction Assembles fertility data.
LoadAction Loads a model from a file.
MainFrame The parent component of the graphical user interface.
MigrationAction Assembles migration data.
MortalityAction Assembles mortality data.
PopulationAction Assembles initial population sizes.
RunAction Responds to user request to runs the model.
SaveAction Saves a model to a file.
SetupAction Sets up the model by querying user about main dimensions and titles.
StepBox Intro GUI for each of the four basic steps: setup, data, model, run.
SummaryAction Summary results.
WholeNumberField Accepts whole number input only.