Interface DataFactory

All Known Subinterfaces:
FertilityFactory, MigrationFactory, MortalityFactory, PopulationSizesFactory

public interface DataFactory
extends java.io.Serializable

A superclass interface for the four types of data factories. Purpose is to allow bundling of these factories as desired, and/or to allow generic handling of the factories in methods that do not require specific references to actual factories. Also extends java.io.Serializable, so implementing classes must fulfill that interface too.

See Also:
PopulationCharacteristics, Serializable

Method Summary
 PopulationCharacteristics get_characteristics(int category)
          Returns a new PopulationCharacteristics object for the indicated population category.
 PopulationCharacteristics get_characteristics(java.lang.String category)
          Returns a new PopulationCharacteristics object for the indicated population category.
 boolean ready()
          Implementing classes are expected to override this method as a way to update their characteristics objects if necessary before each increment of the model.

Method Detail


public PopulationCharacteristics get_characteristics(int category)
Returns a new PopulationCharacteristics object for the indicated population category. precondition: category is valid.


public PopulationCharacteristics get_characteristics(java.lang.String category)
Returns a new PopulationCharacteristics object for the indicated population category. precondition: category is valid.


public boolean ready()
Implementing classes are expected to override this method as a way to update their characteristics objects if necessary before each increment of the model. ModelManager invokes the method for each DataFactory just prior to incrementing the Populations.