Class IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem

  extended by javax.mail.FetchProfile.Item
      extended by com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem
Enclosing class:

public static class IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem
extends FetchProfile.Item

A fetch profile item for fetching headers. This inner class extends the FetchProfile.Item class to add new FetchProfile item types, specific to IMAPFolders.

See Also:

Field Summary
static IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem HEADERS
          HEADERS is a fetch profile item that can be included in a FetchProfile during a fetch request to a Folder.
static IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem SIZE
          SIZE is a fetch profile item that can be included in a FetchProfile during a fetch request to a Folder.
Fields inherited from class javax.mail.FetchProfile.Item
Constructor Summary
protected IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem(String name)
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class javax.mail.FetchProfile.Item
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem HEADERS
HEADERS is a fetch profile item that can be included in a FetchProfile during a fetch request to a Folder. This item indicates that the headers for messages in the specified range are desired to be prefetched.

An example of how a client uses this is below:

        FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
        folder.fetch(msgs, fp);



public static final IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem SIZE
SIZE is a fetch profile item that can be included in a FetchProfile during a fetch request to a Folder. This item indicates that the sizes of the messages in the specified range are desired to be prefetched.

SIZE should move to FetchProfile.Item in JavaMail 1.3.

Constructor Detail


protected IMAPFolder.FetchProfileItem(String name)

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