Uses of Class

Packages that use Rights
com.sun.mail.imap An IMAP protocol provider for the JavaMail API that provides access to an IMAP message store. 

Uses of Rights in com.sun.mail.imap

Methods in com.sun.mail.imap that return Rights
 Rights ACL.getRights()
          Get the rights associated with this ACL entry.
 Rights[] IMAPFolder.listRights(String name)
          Get all the rights that may be allowed to the given identifier.
 Rights IMAPFolder.myRights()
          Get the rights allowed to the currently authenticated user.

Methods in com.sun.mail.imap with parameters of type Rights
 void Rights.add(Rights rights)
          Add all the rights in the given Rights object to this Rights object.
 boolean Rights.contains(Rights rights)
          Check whether all the rights in the specified Rights object are present in this Rights object.
 void Rights.remove(Rights rights)
          Remove all rights in the given Rights object from this Rights object.
 void ACL.setRights(Rights rights)
          Set the rights associated with this ACL entry.

Constructors in com.sun.mail.imap with parameters of type Rights
ACL(String name, Rights rights)
          Construct an ACL entry for the given identifier with the given rights.
Rights(Rights rights)
          Construct a Rights object initialized with the given rights.

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