Class SMTPMessage

  extended by javax.mail.Message
      extended by javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
          extended by com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPMessage
All Implemented Interfaces:
MimePart, Part

public class SMTPMessage
extends MimeMessage

This class is a specialization of the MimeMessage class that allows you to specify various SMTP options and parameters that will be used when this message is sent over SMTP. Simply use this class instead of MimeMessage and set SMTP options using the methods on this class.

See the com.sun.mail.smtp package documentation for further information on the SMTP protocol provider.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
Field Summary
static int NOTIFY_DELAY
          Notify of delivery delay
          Notify of delivery failure
static int NOTIFY_NEVER
          Never notify of delivery status
          Notify of delivery success
static int RETURN_FULL
          Return full message with delivery status notification
static int RETURN_HDRS
          Return only message headers with delivery status notification
Fields inherited from class javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
content, contentStream, dh, flags, headers, modified, saved
Fields inherited from class javax.mail.Message
expunged, folder, msgnum, session
Fields inherited from interface javax.mail.Part
Constructor Summary
SMTPMessage(MimeMessage source)
          Constructs a new SMTPMessage with content initialized from the source MimeMessage.
SMTPMessage(Session session)
          Default constructor.
SMTPMessage(Session session, InputStream is)
          Constructs an SMTPMessage by reading and parsing the data from the specified MIME InputStream.
Method Summary
 boolean getAllow8bitMIME()
          Is use of the 8BITMIME extension is allowed?
 String getEnvelopeFrom()
          Return the envelope From address.
 String getMailExtension()
          Gets the extension string to use with the MAIL command.
 int getNotifyOptions()
          Get notification options.
 int getReturnOption()
          Return return option.
 boolean getSendPartial()
          Send message if some addresses are invalid?
 String getSubmitter()
          Gets the submitter to be used for the RFC 2554 AUTH= value in the MAIL FROM command.
 void setAllow8bitMIME(boolean allow)
          If set to true, and the server supports the 8BITMIME extension, text parts of this message that use the "quoted-printable" or "base64" encodings are converted to use "8bit" encoding if they follow the RFC 2045 rules for 8bit text.
 void setEnvelopeFrom(String from)
          Set the From address to appear in the SMTP envelope.
 void setMailExtension(String extension)
          Set the extension string to use with the MAIL command.
 void setNotifyOptions(int options)
          Set notification options to be used if the server supports Delivery Status Notification (RFC 1891).
 void setReturnOption(int option)
          Set return option to be used if server supports Delivery Status Notification (RFC 1891).
 void setSendPartial(boolean partial)
          If set to true, and this message has some valid and some invalid addresses, send the message anyway, reporting the partial failure with a SendFailedException.
 void setSubmitter(String submitter)
          Sets the submitter to be used for the RFC 2554 AUTH= value in the MAIL FROM command.
Methods inherited from class javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
addFrom, addHeader, addHeaderLine, addRecipients, addRecipients, createInternetHeaders, createMimeMessage, getAllHeaderLines, getAllHeaders, getAllRecipients, getContent, getContentID, getContentLanguage, getContentMD5, getContentStream, getContentType, getDataHandler, getDescription, getDisposition, getEncoding, getFileName, getFlags, getFrom, getHeader, getHeader, getInputStream, getLineCount, getMatchingHeaderLines, getMatchingHeaders, getMessageID, getNonMatchingHeaderLines, getNonMatchingHeaders, getRawInputStream, getReceivedDate, getRecipients, getReplyTo, getSender, getSentDate, getSize, getSubject, isMimeType, isSet, parse, removeHeader, reply, saveChanges, setContent, setContent, setContentID, setContentLanguage, setContentMD5, setDataHandler, setDescription, setDescription, setDisposition, setFileName, setFlags, setFrom, setFrom, setHeader, setRecipients, setRecipients, setReplyTo, setSender, setSentDate, setSubject, setSubject, setText, setText, setText, updateHeaders, updateMessageID, writeTo, writeTo
Methods inherited from class javax.mail.Message
addRecipient, getFolder, getMessageNumber, isExpunged, match, setExpunged, setFlag, setMessageNumber, setRecipient
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int NOTIFY_NEVER
Never notify of delivery status

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOTIFY_SUCCESS
Notify of delivery success

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOTIFY_FAILURE
Notify of delivery failure

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NOTIFY_DELAY
Notify of delivery delay

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RETURN_FULL
Return full message with delivery status notification

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int RETURN_HDRS
Return only message headers with delivery status notification

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SMTPMessage(Session session)
Default constructor. An empty message object is created. The headers field is set to an empty InternetHeaders object. The flags field is set to an empty Flags object. The modified flag is set to true.


public SMTPMessage(Session session,
                   InputStream is)
            throws MessagingException
Constructs an SMTPMessage by reading and parsing the data from the specified MIME InputStream. The InputStream will be left positioned at the end of the data for the message. Note that the input stream parse is done within this constructor itself.

session - Session object for this message
is - the message input stream


public SMTPMessage(MimeMessage source)
            throws MessagingException
Constructs a new SMTPMessage with content initialized from the source MimeMessage. The new message is independent of the original.

Note: The current implementation is rather inefficient, copying the data more times than strictly necessary.

source - the message to copy content from
Method Detail


public void setEnvelopeFrom(String from)
Set the From address to appear in the SMTP envelope. Note that this is different than the From address that appears in the message itself. The envelope From address is typically used when reporting errors. See RFC 821 for details.

If set, overrides the mail.smtp.from property.

from - the envelope From address


public String getEnvelopeFrom()
Return the envelope From address.

the envelope From address, or null if not set


public void setNotifyOptions(int options)
Set notification options to be used if the server supports Delivery Status Notification (RFC 1891). Either NOTIFY_NEVER or some combination of NOTIFY_SUCCESS, NOTIFY_FAILURE, and NOTIFY_DELAY.

If set, overrides the mail.smtp.dsn.notify property.

options - notification options


public int getNotifyOptions()
Get notification options. Returns zero if no options set.

notification options


public void setReturnOption(int option)
Set return option to be used if server supports Delivery Status Notification (RFC 1891). Either RETURN_FULL or RETURN_HDRS.

If set, overrides the mail.smtp.dsn.ret property.

option - return option


public int getReturnOption()
Return return option. Returns zero if no option set.

return option


public void setAllow8bitMIME(boolean allow)
If set to true, and the server supports the 8BITMIME extension, text parts of this message that use the "quoted-printable" or "base64" encodings are converted to use "8bit" encoding if they follow the RFC 2045 rules for 8bit text.

If true, overrides the mail.smtp.allow8bitmime property.

allow - allow 8-bit flag


public boolean getAllow8bitMIME()
Is use of the 8BITMIME extension is allowed?

allow 8-bit flag


public void setSendPartial(boolean partial)
If set to true, and this message has some valid and some invalid addresses, send the message anyway, reporting the partial failure with a SendFailedException. If set to false (the default), the message is not sent to any of the recipients if there is an invalid recipient address.

If true, overrides the mail.smtp.sendpartial property.

partial - send partial flag


public boolean getSendPartial()
Send message if some addresses are invalid?

send partial flag


public String getSubmitter()
Gets the submitter to be used for the RFC 2554 AUTH= value in the MAIL FROM command.

the name of the submitter.


public void setSubmitter(String submitter)
Sets the submitter to be used for the RFC 2554 AUTH= value in the MAIL FROM command. Normally only used by a server that's relaying a message. Clients will typically not set a submitter. See RFC 2554 for details.

submitter - the name of the submitter


public String getMailExtension()
Gets the extension string to use with the MAIL command.

the extension string
JavaMail 1.3.2


public void setMailExtension(String extension)
Set the extension string to use with the MAIL command. The extension string can be used to specify standard SMTP service extensions as well as vendor-specific extensions. Typically the application should use the SMTPTransport method supportsExtension to verify that the server supports the desired service extension. See RFC 1869 and other RFCs that define specific extensions.

For example:

 if (smtpTransport.supportsExtension("DELIVERBY"))

JavaMail 1.3.2

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