Class Quota

  extended by javax.mail.Quota

public class Quota
extends Object

This class represents a set of quotas for a given quota root. Each quota root has a set of resources, represented by the Quota.Resource class. Each resource has a name (for example, "STORAGE"), a current usage, and a usage limit. See RFC 2087.

JavaMail 1.4

Nested Class Summary
static class Quota.Resource
          An individual resource in a quota root.
Field Summary
 String quotaRoot
          The name of the quota root.
 Quota.Resource[] resources
          The set of resources associated with this quota root.
Constructor Summary
Quota(String quotaRoot)
          Create a Quota object for the named quotaroot with no associated resources.
Method Summary
 void setResourceLimit(String name, long limit)
          Set a resource limit for this quota root.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public String quotaRoot
The name of the quota root.


public Quota.Resource[] resources
The set of resources associated with this quota root.

Constructor Detail


public Quota(String quotaRoot)
Create a Quota object for the named quotaroot with no associated resources.

quotaRoot - the name of the quota root
Method Detail


public void setResourceLimit(String name,
                             long limit)
Set a resource limit for this quota root.

name - the name of the resource
limit - the resource limit

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