Uses of Class

Packages that use Flags
com.sun.mail.imap An IMAP protocol provider for the JavaMail API that provides access to an IMAP message store. 
com.sun.mail.pop3 A POP3 protocol provider for the JavaMail API that provides access to a POP3 message store. 
javax.mail The JavaMailTM API provides classes that model a mail system. 
javax.mail.internet Classes specific to Internet mail systems. Message search terms for the JavaMail API. 

Uses of Flags in com.sun.mail.imap

Fields in com.sun.mail.imap declared as Flags
protected  Flags IMAPFolder.availableFlags
protected  Flags IMAPFolder.permanentFlags

Methods in com.sun.mail.imap that return Flags
 Flags IMAPMessage.getFlags()
          Get the Flags for this message.
 Flags IMAPFolder.getPermanentFlags()
          Return the permanent flags supported by the server.

Methods in com.sun.mail.imap with parameters of type Flags
 void IMAPMessage.setFlags(Flags flag, boolean set)
          Set/Unset the given flags in this message.
 void IMAPFolder.setFlags(Message[] msgs, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags for the given array of messages.

Uses of Flags in com.sun.mail.pop3

Methods in com.sun.mail.pop3 that return Flags
 Flags POP3Folder.getPermanentFlags()
          Always returns an empty Flags object because the POP3 protocol doesn't support any permanent flags.

Methods in com.sun.mail.pop3 with parameters of type Flags
 void POP3Message.setFlags(Flags newFlags, boolean set)
          Set the specified flags on this message to the specified value.

Uses of Flags in javax.mail

Methods in javax.mail that return Flags
abstract  Flags Message.getFlags()
          Returns a Flags object containing the flags for this message.
abstract  Flags Folder.getPermanentFlags()
          Get the permanent flags supported by this Folder.

Methods in javax.mail with parameters of type Flags
 void Flags.add(Flags f)
          Add all the flags in the given Flags object to this Flags object.
 boolean Flags.contains(Flags f)
          Check whether all the flags in the specified Flags object are present in this Flags object.
 void Flags.remove(Flags f)
          Remove all flags in the given Flags object from this Flags object.
abstract  void Message.setFlags(Flags flag, boolean set)
          Set the specified flags on this message to the specified value.
 void Folder.setFlags(int[] msgnums, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags on the messages whose message numbers are in the array.
 void Folder.setFlags(int start, int end, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags on the messages numbered from start through end, both start and end inclusive.
 void Folder.setFlags(Message[] msgs, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags on the messages specified in the array.

Constructors in javax.mail with parameters of type Flags
Flags(Flags flags)
          Construct a Flags object initialized with the given flags.

Uses of Flags in javax.mail.internet

Fields in javax.mail.internet declared as Flags
protected  Flags MimeMessage.flags
          The Flags for this message.

Methods in javax.mail.internet that return Flags
 Flags MimeMessage.getFlags()
          Return a Flags object containing the flags for this message.

Methods in javax.mail.internet with parameters of type Flags
 void MimeMessage.setFlags(Flags flag, boolean set)
          Set the flags for this message.

Uses of Flags in

Fields in declared as Flags
protected  Flags FlagTerm.flags
          Flags object containing the flags to test.

Methods in that return Flags
 Flags FlagTerm.getFlags()
          Return the Flags to test.

Constructors in with parameters of type Flags
FlagTerm(Flags flags, boolean set)

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