Uses of Class

Packages that use InternetHeaders
com.sun.mail.dsn Support for creating and parsing Delivery Status Notifications. 
javax.mail.internet Classes specific to Internet mail systems. 

Uses of InternetHeaders in com.sun.mail.dsn

Fields in com.sun.mail.dsn declared as InternetHeaders
protected  InternetHeaders DeliveryStatus.messageDSN
          The DSN fields for the message.
protected  InternetHeaders DispositionNotification.notifications
          The disposition notification content fields.
protected  InternetHeaders[] DeliveryStatus.recipientDSN
          The DSN fields for each recipient.

Methods in com.sun.mail.dsn that return InternetHeaders
 InternetHeaders DeliveryStatus.getMessageDSN()
          Return all the per-message fields in the delivery status notification.
 InternetHeaders DispositionNotification.getNotifications()
          Return all the disposition notification fields in the disposition notification.
 InternetHeaders DeliveryStatus.getRecipientDSN(int n)
          Return the delivery status notification information for the specified recipient.

Methods in com.sun.mail.dsn with parameters of type InternetHeaders
 void DeliveryStatus.addRecipientDSN(InternetHeaders h)
          Add deliver status notification information for another recipient.
 void DeliveryStatus.setMessageDSN(InternetHeaders messageDSN)
          Set the per-message fields in the delivery status notification.
 void DispositionNotification.setNotifications(InternetHeaders notifications)
          Set the disposition notification fields in the disposition notification.

Constructors in com.sun.mail.dsn with parameters of type InternetHeaders
MessageHeaders(InternetHeaders headers)
          Constructs a MessageHeaders object using the given InternetHeaders.
MultipartReport(String text, Report report, InternetHeaders hdr)
          Construct a multipart/report object with the specified plain text, report, and headers from the original message to be returned to the user.

Uses of InternetHeaders in javax.mail.internet

Fields in javax.mail.internet declared as InternetHeaders
protected  InternetHeaders MimeMessage.headers
          The InternetHeaders object that stores the header of this message.
protected  InternetHeaders MimeBodyPart.headers
          The InternetHeaders object that stores all the headers of this body part.

Methods in javax.mail.internet that return InternetHeaders
protected  InternetHeaders MimeMultipart.createInternetHeaders(InputStream is)
          Create and return an InternetHeaders object that loads the headers from the given InputStream.
protected  InternetHeaders MimeMessage.createInternetHeaders(InputStream is)
          Create and return an InternetHeaders object that loads the headers from the given InputStream.

Methods in javax.mail.internet with parameters of type InternetHeaders
protected  MimeBodyPart MimeMultipart.createMimeBodyPart(InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content)
          Create and return a MimeBodyPart object to represent a body part parsed from the InputStream.

Constructors in javax.mail.internet with parameters of type InternetHeaders
MimeBodyPart(InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content)
          Constructs a MimeBodyPart using the given header and content bytes.
MimeMessage(Folder folder, InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content, int msgnum)
          Constructs a MimeMessage from the given InternetHeaders object and content.

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