CS170: Operating Systems (undergrad)

This schedule is tentative. It may change as the weeks go on.

Date Topics Recommended reading Notes
Week 1
Mon 10/05 Introduction (notes)
OSTEP 2 Lab 1 released
Wed 10/07 Processes; call stacks; syscall (notes)
OSTEP 4 5 6
Week 2
Mon 10/12 Syscalls; shell; fork/exec (notes) (handout)
OSTEP 26 27
Wed 10/14 Syscalls; shell; fork/exec continued (notes) (handout)
OSTEP 26 27
Sat 10/17 Lab 1 due, 9:00 PM
Lab 2 released
Week 3
Mon 10/19 Concurrency/synchronization I (notes) (handout)
OSTEP 28 29
Wed 10/21 Concurrency/synchronization II (notes) (handout)
OSTEP 28 29
Week 4
Mon 10/26 Concurrency/synchronization III (notes)
Wed 10/28 Concurrency/synchronization IV (notes)
Sat 10/31 Lab 2 due, 9:00 PM
Lab 3 released
Week 5
Mon 11/2 Concurrency/synchronization V (notes)
OSTEP 32 33
Wed 11/4 No lecture
Week 6
Mon 11/09 Scheduling (notes)
OSTEP 7 8 9
Wed 11/11 Midterm
Sat 11/14 Lab 3 due, 9:00 PM
Week 7
Mon 11/16 Virtual memory I (intro, segmentation) (notes)
OSTEP 13 14 15 16
Wed 11/18 Virtual memory II (paging) (notes)
OSTEP 18 19 20 Lab 4 released
Week 8
Mon 11/23 Virtual memory III (page faults) (notes)
OSTEP 21 22 23
Wed 11/25 Virtual memory IV (page replacement, thrashing) (notes)
OSTEP 21 22 23
Sat 11/28 Lab 4 due, 9:00 PM
Week 9
Mon 11/30 File Systems I (notes)
OSTEP 38 39
Wed 12/2 File Systems II (notes)
OSTEP 40 41
Week 10
Mon 12/7 Software safety–Therac 25 (mandatory lecture) (notes) (handout)
(1) Read the Therac-25 paper, following these tips.
(2) While you are reading, view these two helpful graphics, which nicely illustrate linear accelerators and problems that they have caused. (Click on original screenshot if you reach the archived pages.)
(3) Read this New York Times article and at least the first two pages of this one (make sure to see the pictures).
Wed 12/9 Review for final exam
Practice questions (concurrency) (virtual memory) (file systems) (answers)
Sat 12/12 Lab 5 due, 9:00 PM