CS293G: Computing on encrypted data (graduate)


Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:


Before the start of a lecture (that is, 9 AM on the day of the lecture), you will submit an insightful review of the assigned readings for the lecture. By "insightful", we mean something that is not simply a rewrite of the content of the readings, but rather something that demonstrates in-depth understanding (and strengths/weaknesses) of the material, and perhaps talks about alternate design points or directions for future work. Not all of the submitted reviews will be graded; instead, the instructor will randomly pick a few (perhaps three to five per lecture) and grade them. To receive credit, you must make a credible effort. Points will be awarded, based on the following criteria.

Writing an insightful review will require effort, so don't plan to read the readings a few hours before the lectures. Quality and depth matter most. And you need to be clear and neat. If the instructor can't understand what you have written, he can't give you credit! Your review doesn't have to be long---even one page reviews can be very insightful and thought-provoking.

Your review submissions may have at most 3 pages of content including bibliographic references. You must use: Times New Roman font, a minimum font size of 10 pt with at least 2 points of spacing between lines, and minimum 1 inch margins on all sides. Your review may reference figures/tables/code/etc. in the assigned readings. Your instructor won't read a review beyond its third page.

Research proposal

Your research proposal will be in two parts. First, in the middle of the quarter (see the course schedule for the exact due date) you will submit a preliminary version of your proposal. This preliminary version should clearly state the problem statement, motivation, and give a rough idea of the related work and key insights. This version should be at most 2 pages of content; you may use extra pages for bibliographic references. Your proposal must follow the formatting requirements mentioned above. Your instructor will read your proposal in detail and provide feedback, especially on whether he thinks that your idea has potential to advance the state-of-the-art. Based on your instructor's feedback you will refine your proposal and produce the final version. Note: proposal's that don't promise to advance the state-of-the-art will receive zero points, and proposal's that show promises of turning into a publication will receive extra credit.

Turn-in policy and lateness

Late submissions will not be accepted, except in three cases:

  1. Illness, which requires a doctor's note. The instructor will not look at such notes; instead, bring the note to the graduate program coordinator, who will communicate with the instructor.
  2. Death in the immediate family.
  3. Accommodation for students with disabilities, as prescribed by the university.

No extensions will be given for any other reason (including job interviews, business trips, work on research publications, etc.).

Collaboration, source material, and academic integrity

Here is this class's collaboration policy: We will enforce the policy strictly. Penalties of failing to comply with the policy include an F grade in the course, referral to the university's disciplinary body, and possible expulsion. Note that we will use a variety of mechanisms to detect cheating, including text-similarity detection softwares, so getting away without being detected will be hard.

More about source material

Per the policy above, you may not look at any course material relating to any project similar to this course's assignments. You may not look at work done by students in past years' courses. You may not look at similar course projects at other universities. If you are unsure about whether a particular source of external information is permitted, contact the instructor before looking at it.

More about academic integrity

The above guidelines are necessarily generalizations and cannot account for all circumstances. Intellectual dishonesty can end your career, and it is your responsibility to stay on the right side of the line. If you are not sure about something, ask.


You can submit any graded item for a regrade, under the following conditions. First, you need to submit a clear, written statement that explains the request (what was wrong and why). Second, you must submit your request within one week of when the graded work was returned. Third, we will reread and regrade the entire review, proposal, etc. (so a regrade can potentially decrease your grade.)

Last updated: 2019-04-08 12:16:24 -0700 [validate xhtml]