CS273 Data And Knowledge Base - Schedule (Tentative) | home | schedule |
Weeks | Topics | Notes |
Week 1 (Oct 2) | Organization and Introduction | |
Week 2 (Oct 7) | Classification: Naive Bayesian / Decision Tree | |
Week 2 (Oct 9) | Regression/Classification: Support Vector Machine/Random Forest | Fangqiu Han/Yang Li |
Week 3 (Oct 14) | Entity Extraction | Yang Li, http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~gabr/publications/papers/KDD14-T2-Bordes-Gabrilovich.pdf |
Week 3 (Oct 16) | Relation Extraction | Yang Li http://resources.mpi-inf.mpg.de/yago-naga/vldb2014-tutorial/vldb2014-slides.pdf |
Week 4 (Oct 21) | Clustering: Kmeans | |
Week 4 (Oct 23) | Advanced Clustering | Project Proposal due (before the class) Peter Harrington from HGData |
Week 5 (Oct 28) | Text: Information Retrieval Introduction / Vector Space Model | |
Week 5 (Oct 30) | Probabilistic Model | |
Week 6 (Nov 4) | Language Model | |
Week 6 (Nov 6) | Link Model | |
Week 7 (Nov 11) | Holiday | |
Week 7 (Nov 13) | Database: ER Model | |
Week 8 (Nov 18) | Relational Model | HW 1 |
Week 8 (Nov 20) | Relational Algebra / Relational Calculus | |
Week 9 (Nov 25) | Functional Dependency | |
Week 9 (Nov 27) | Holiday | |
Week 10 (Dec 2) | Datalog | |
Week 10 (Dec 4) | Data Mining: Cube, OLAP | HW 1 due (before the class) |
Week 11 (Dec 9) | Association Rule/Frequent Pattern | |
Week 11 (Dec 11) | Text + Relational (Keyword Search) | |
1:00-6:00pm, 12/12/2014, TA Office | Project Demo to TA | |
Week 12 | Final Exam (12/15/2014, 12:00-3:00, PHELP 3526 ) | |
Mid night, 11:59pm 12/16/2014 (email the pdf to TA) | Project Report Due |