Hi, I'm Isaac Mackey. This is my academic homepage.

I graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2023 with a PhD in computer science. My research focused on reasoning about time constraints to detect constraint violations at run-time. My dissertation is available here as a PDF and here as presentation slides.

Links to my publications are here on Google Scholar. I am happy to provide electronic copies via email.

Outside of my dissertation research, I am interested in mind-uploading, where a computer program captures a person's mind and identity. Related code is here on Github.

I worked as an instructor and teaching assistant for computer science courses from 2014 to 2023, mostly for courses about Python, formal languages, automata theory, and discrete mathematics. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or if you're curious about any of those topics.

Contact me at imackey1415@gmail.com

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Me on the left with friends Freddy and Glen

Other activities:

In 2022, I crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a rowboat with Jonathan Harrison and Kramer Lewis in 40 days.

image: boat


image: boat

image: boat diagram

image: dolphins

image: wave

image: storm

image: night

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