CS 10, Fall 2008


Assignment 1 - past due (10/8/08, 9:00pm) - Apply objects, write a class, and start using CSIL
Assignment 2 - past due (10/22/08, 9:00pm) - Work with arrays, and interact with a user
Assignment 3 - past due (11/5/08, 9:00pm) - Work with arrays of arrays, and process lots of user input
Assignment 4 - past due (11/19/08, 9:00pm) - Use inheritance to implement and apply a small class hierarchy
Assignment 5 - past due (12/3/08, 9:00pm) - Get text from files and web pages and encrypt/decrypt text


  1. ColorDemo.java, FiveColorScale.java
  2. ColorScale.java, ShowColorScale.java
  3. ColorGrid.java, GridMaker.java
  4. FigurePrinter.java, RectanglePrinter.java, TrianglePrinter.java, FigureDisplayer.java
  5. FileText.java, WebText.java, VigCipher.java, Crypt.java

Note: These are adequate solutions that fully satisfy project specifications. In most cases, infinite solutions could satisfy these specifications just as well, or better.

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