CS273 Data And Knowledge Base - Schedule (Tentative) | home | schedule |
Weeks | Topics | Notes |
Week 1 (Sept 24) | Organization and Introduction | (1) Jim Gray, Data Management: Past, Present, and
Future [pdf] (2) Jim Gray, The Next Database Revolution [pdf] |
Week 2 (Sept 29) | Database: ER Model | Peter Chen: The Entity-Relationship Model-Toward a Unified View of Data[pdf] |
Week 2 (Oct 1) | Relational Model | E.F. Codd: A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks [pdf] |
Week 3 (Oct 6) | Relational Algebra | |
Week 3 (Oct 8) | Relational Calculus | |
Week 4 (Oct 13) | Functional Dependency | Homework Assignment 1 |
Week 4 (Oct 15) | Datalog | |
Week 5 (Oct 20) | Text: Information Retrieval Introduction | Oct 20 and 22 are merged |
Week 5 (Oct 22) | Vector Space Model (Class Cancelled) | |
Week 6 (Oct 27) | Probabilistic Model | HW 1 due (before the class) |
Week 6 (Oct 29) | Language Model | |
Week 7 (Nov 3) | Link Model | |
Week 7 (Nov 5) | Text + Relational | Homework Assignment 2 (Nov 7, midnight) |
Week 8 (Nov 10) | Data Mining: Cube, OLAP | |
Week 8 (Nov 12) | Association Rule | |
Week 9 (Nov 17) | Frequent Pattern | |
Week 9 (Nov 19) | Classification: Naive Bayesian / Decision Tree | HW2 due (before the class) |
Week 10 (Nov 24) | Classification: Support Vector Machine | Homework Assignment 3 |
Week 10 (Nov 26) | Thanksgiving Holiday | |
Week 11 (Dec 1) | Clustering: Kmeans | |
Week 11 (Dec 3) | Clustering: Hierarchical Clustering | HW3 due (before the class) |
Week 12 (Dec 8) | No class | |
Week 12 (Dec 11) Time: 4:00-7:00pm |
Final Exam Location: Phelps 1401 | close book written exam |