CS273 - Data And Knowledge Bases home | schedule 


[Nov 17 2009]  Today's class is cancelled

[Oct 20 2009]  We will cover Information Retrieval Introduction and Vector Space Model

[Sept 29 2009] Grading policy change: research project is replaced with a final written exam!

[Sept 24 2009] The first class, twiki is on, http://habitus.cs.ucsb.edu/twiki/bin/view/CS273/WebHome, please register.  Two papers to read in the Sept 28 week: (1) Jim Gray, Data Management: Past, Present, and Future [pdf] (2) Jim Gray, The Next Database Revolution [pdf]

Abstract: We will cover a broad range of topics related to information search and knowledge discovery from relational data, text, and beyond.  The focus is on the study of relational and post-relational data models and their query languages and systems.  It will also introduce basic information retrieval and data mining concepts, principles and algorithms, including language model, text search,  association analysis, sequential pattern analysis, classification, and clustering.

Each student is expected to complete three homework assignments and a written final exam.

Enrollment Code: 57851,  Instructor: Prof. Xifeng Yan , Email: xyan at cs.ucsb.edu

Time: Tuesday/Thursday 3:00-5:00pm  (Reserved Time Monday 5:00-6:30pm)

Location: PHELP 1401   Office Hour:  Tuesday/Thursday 5-6pm

TA: N/A, Location:  N/A Office Hours: N/A

Grading: Your grade will be derived from homework (40%) and a final exam (60%).

Text Books (not required, optional): (1) S. Abiteboul, R. Hull and V. Vianu, Foundations of Databases, Addison Wesley, 1994  (2) J. Han and M. Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, 2nd ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2006


1. Relational  and Post-Relational Data Model/Query Language  (3 weeks)

2. Language Model and Information Retrieval (3 weeks)

3. Data Mining Foundations (4 weeks)