Uses of Class

Packages that use MessagingException
com.sun.mail.dsn Support for creating and parsing Delivery Status Notifications. 
com.sun.mail.imap An IMAP protocol provider for the JavaMail API that provides access to an IMAP message store. 
com.sun.mail.pop3 A POP3 protocol provider for the JavaMail API that provides access to a POP3 message store. 
com.sun.mail.smtp An SMTP protocol provider for the JavaMail API that provides access to an SMTP server. 
javax.mail The JavaMailTM API provides classes that model a mail system. 
javax.mail.internet Classes specific to Internet mail systems. Message search terms for the JavaMail API. 

Uses of MessagingException in com.sun.mail.dsn

Methods in com.sun.mail.dsn that throw MessagingException
 void MultipartReport.addBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Adds a Part to the multipart.
 void MultipartReport.addBodyPart(BodyPart part, int index)
          Adds a BodyPart at position index.
 DeliveryStatus MultipartReport.getDeliveryStatus()
          Deprecated. use getReport instead
 Report MultipartReport.getReport()
          Get the report associated with this multipart/report.
 MimeMessage MultipartReport.getReturnedMessage()
          Get the original message that is being returned along with this multipart/report.
 String MultipartReport.getText()
          Get the plain text to be presented to the user, if there is any.
 MimeBodyPart MultipartReport.getTextBodyPart()
          Return the body part containing the message to be presented to the user, usually just a text/plain part.
 boolean MultipartReport.removeBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Remove the specified part from the multipart message.
 void MultipartReport.removeBodyPart(int index)
          Remove the part at specified location (starting from 0).
 void MessageHeaders.setDataHandler(DataHandler dh)
          Can't set any content for a MessageHeaders object.
 void MultipartReport.setDeliveryStatus(DeliveryStatus status)
          Deprecated. use setReport instead
 void MultipartReport.setReport(Report report)
          Set the report associated with this multipart/report.
 void MultipartReport.setReturnedMessage(MimeMessage msg)
          Set the original message to be returned as part of the multipart/report.
 void MultipartReport.setSubType(String subtype)
          Set the subtype.
 void MultipartReport.setText(String text)
          Set the message to be presented to the user as just a text/plain part containing the specified text.
 void MultipartReport.setTextBodyPart(MimeBodyPart mbp)
          Set the body part containing the text to be presented to the user.

Constructors in com.sun.mail.dsn that throw MessagingException
          Construct a delivery status notification with no content.
DeliveryStatus(InputStream is)
          Construct a delivery status notification by parsing the supplied input stream.
          Construct a disposition notification with no content.
DispositionNotification(InputStream is)
          Construct a disposition notification by parsing the supplied input stream.
          Construct a MessageHeaders object.
MessageHeaders(InputStream is)
          Constructs a MessageHeaders object from the given InputStream.
MessageHeaders(InternetHeaders headers)
          Constructs a MessageHeaders object using the given InternetHeaders.
          Construct a multipart/report object with no content.
MultipartReport(DataSource ds)
          Constructs a MultipartReport object and its bodyparts from the given DataSource.
MultipartReport(String text, Report report)
          Construct a multipart/report object with the specified plain text and report type (DeliveryStatus or DispositionNotification) to be returned to the user.
MultipartReport(String text, Report report, InternetHeaders hdr)
          Construct a multipart/report object with the specified plain text, report, and headers from the original message to be returned to the user.
MultipartReport(String text, Report report, MimeMessage msg)
          Construct a multipart/report object with the specified plain text, report, and original message to be returned to the user.

Uses of MessagingException in com.sun.mail.imap

Methods in com.sun.mail.imap that throw MessagingException
 void IMAPFolder.addACL(ACL acl)
          Add an access control list entry to the access control list for this folder.
 void IMAPMessage.addFrom(Address[] addresses)
 void IMAPMessage.addHeader(String name, String value)
 void IMAPMessage.addHeaderLine(String line)
 Message[] IMAPFolder.addMessages(Message[] msgs)
          Append the given messages into this folder.
 void IMAPMessage.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
 void IMAPFolder.addRights(ACL acl)
          Add the rights specified in the ACL to the entry for the identifier specified in the ACL.
 void IMAPFolder.appendMessages(Message[] msgs)
          Append the given messages into this folder.
 com.sun.mail.imap.AppendUID[] IMAPFolder.appendUIDMessages(Message[] msgs)
          Append the given messages into this folder.
protected  void IMAPFolder.checkExists()
protected  void IMAPFolder.checkRange(int msgno)
 void IMAPStore.close()
          Close this Store.
 void IMAPFolder.close(boolean expunge)
          Close this folder.
 void IMAPFolder.copyMessages(Message[] msgs, Folder folder)
          Copy the specified messages from this folder, to the specified destination.
 boolean IMAPFolder.create(int type)
          Create this folder, with the specified type.
 boolean IMAPFolder.delete(boolean recurse)
          Delete this folder.
 Object IMAPFolder.doCommand(IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand cmd)
          Execute a user-supplied IMAP command.
 Object IMAPFolder.doCommandIgnoreFailure(IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand cmd)
 Object IMAPFolder.doOptionalCommand(String err, IMAPFolder.ProtocolCommand cmd)
 boolean IMAPFolder.exists()
          Check whether this folder really exists on the server.
 Message[] IMAPFolder.expunge()
          Expunge all messages marked as DELETED.
 Message[] IMAPFolder.expunge(Message[] msgs)
          Expunge the indicated messages, which must have been marked as DELETED.
 void IMAPFolder.fetch(Message[] msgs, FetchProfile fp)
          Prefetch attributes, based on the given FetchProfile.
 void IMAPFolder.forceClose()
          Close this folder without waiting for the server.
 ACL[] IMAPFolder.getACL()
          Get the access control list entries for this folder.
 Enumeration IMAPMessage.getAllHeaderLines()
          Get all header-lines.
 Enumeration IMAPMessage.getAllHeaders()
          Get all headers.
 String[] IMAPFolder.getAttributes()
          Get the attributes that the IMAP server returns with the LIST response.
 String IMAPMessage.getContentID()
          Get the Content-ID.
 String[] IMAPMessage.getContentLanguage()
          Get the content language.
 String IMAPMessage.getContentMD5()
          Get the Content-MD5.
protected  InputStream IMAPMessage.getContentStream()
          Get all the bytes for this message.
 String IMAPMessage.getContentType()
          Get the Content-Type.
 DataHandler IMAPMessage.getDataHandler()
          Get the DataHandler object for this message.
 Folder IMAPStore.getDefaultFolder()
          Get the default folder, representing the root of this user's namespace.
 int IMAPFolder.getDeletedMessageCount()
          Get the deleted message count.
 String IMAPMessage.getDescription()
          Get the decoded Content-Description.
 String IMAPMessage.getDisposition()
          Get the Content-Disposition.
 String IMAPMessage.getEncoding()
          Get the Content-Transfer-Encoding.
 String IMAPMessage.getFileName()
          Get the "filename" Disposition parameter.
 Flags IMAPMessage.getFlags()
          Get the Flags for this message.
 Folder IMAPStore.getFolder(String name)
          Get named folder.
 Folder IMAPFolder.getFolder(String name)
          Get the named subfolder.
 Folder IMAPStore.getFolder(URLName url)
          Get named folder.
 Address[] IMAPMessage.getFrom()
          Get the "From" attribute.
 String[] IMAPMessage.getHeader(String name)
          Get the named header.
 String IMAPMessage.getHeader(String name, String delimiter)
          Get the named header.
 String IMAPMessage.getInReplyTo()
          Get the In-Reply-To header.
 int IMAPMessage.getLineCount()
          Get the total number of lines.
 Enumeration IMAPMessage.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get all matching header-lines.
 Enumeration IMAPMessage.getMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Get matching headers.
 Message IMAPFolder.getMessage(int msgnum)
          Get the specified message.
 Message IMAPFolder.getMessageByUID(long uid)
          Get the Message corresponding to the given UID.
 int IMAPFolder.getMessageCount()
          Get the total message count.
 String IMAPMessage.getMessageID()
          Get the Message-ID.
 Message[] IMAPFolder.getMessagesByUID(long[] uids)
          Get the Messages specified by the given array.
 Message[] IMAPFolder.getMessagesByUID(long start, long end)
          Get the Messages specified by the given range.
 int IMAPFolder.getNewMessageCount()
          Get the new message count.
 Enumeration IMAPMessage.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get all non-matching headerlines.
 Enumeration IMAPMessage.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Get non-matching headers.
 Folder IMAPFolder.getParent()
          Get this folder's parent.
 Folder[] IMAPStore.getPersonalNamespaces()
          Using the IMAP NAMESPACE command (RFC 2342), return a set of folders representing the Personal namespaces.
 Quota[] IMAPFolder.getQuota()
          Get the quotas for the quotaroot associated with this folder.
 Quota[] IMAPStore.getQuota(String root)
          Get the quotas for the named quota root.
 Date IMAPMessage.getReceivedDate()
          Get the recieved date (INTERNALDATE)
 Address[] IMAPMessage.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType type)
          Get the desired Recipient type.
 Address[] IMAPMessage.getReplyTo()
          Get the ReplyTo addresses.
 Address IMAPMessage.getSender()
          Get the "Sender" attribute.
 Date IMAPMessage.getSentDate()
          Get the SentDate.
 char IMAPFolder.getSeparator()
          Get the separator character.
 Folder[] IMAPStore.getSharedNamespaces()
          Using the IMAP NAMESPACE command (RFC 2342), return a set of folders representing the Shared namespaces.
 int IMAPMessage.getSize()
          Get the message size.
 Message[] IMAPFolder.getSortedMessages(SortTerm[] term)
          Sort the messages in the folder according to the sort criteria.
 Message[] IMAPFolder.getSortedMessages(SortTerm[] term, SearchTerm sterm)
          Sort the messages in the folder according to the sort criteria.
 String IMAPMessage.getSubject()
          Get the decoded subject.
 int IMAPFolder.getType()
          Get the type of this folder.
 long IMAPFolder.getUID(Message message)
          Get the UID for the specified message.
 long IMAPFolder.getUIDNext()
          Returns the predicted UID that will be assigned to the next message that is appended to this folder.
 long IMAPFolder.getUIDValidity()
          Returns the UIDValidity for this folder.
 int IMAPFolder.getUnreadMessageCount()
          Get the unread message count.
 Folder[] IMAPStore.getUserNamespaces(String user)
          Using the IMAP NAMESPACE command (RFC 2342), return a set of folders representing the User's namespaces.
 boolean IMAPStore.hasCapability(String capability)
          Return true if the specified capability string is in the list of capabilities the server announced.
 boolean IMAPFolder.hasNewMessages()
          Check whether this folder has new messages.
 void IMAPStore.idle()
          Use the IMAP IDLE command (see RFC 2177), if supported by the server, to enter idle mode so that the server can send unsolicited notifications without the need for the client to constantly poll the server.
 void IMAPFolder.idle()
          Use the IMAP IDLE command (see RFC 2177), if supported by the server, to enter idle mode so that the server can send unsolicited notifications of new messages arriving, etc.
 void IMAPFolder.idle(boolean once)
          Like IMAPFolder.idle(), but if once is true, abort the IDLE command after the first notification, to allow the caller to process any notification synchronously.
 boolean IMAPMessage.isSet(Flags.Flag flag)
          Test if the given Flags are set in this message.
 Folder[] IMAPFolder.list(String pattern)
          List all subfolders matching the specified pattern.
 Rights[] IMAPFolder.listRights(String name)
          Get all the rights that may be allowed to the given identifier.
 Folder[] IMAPFolder.listSubscribed(String pattern)
          List all subscribed subfolders matching the specified pattern.
 Rights IMAPFolder.myRights()
          Get the rights allowed to the currently authenticated user.
 void mode)
          Open this folder in the given mode.
protected  boolean IMAPStore.protocolConnect(String host, int pport, String user, String password)
          Implementation of protocolConnect().
 void IMAPFolder.removeACL(String name)
          Remove any access control list entry for the given identifier from the access control list for this folder.
 void IMAPMessage.removeHeader(String name)
 void IMAPFolder.removeRights(ACL acl)
          Remove the rights specified in the ACL from the entry for the identifier specified in the ACL.
 boolean IMAPFolder.renameTo(Folder f)
          Rename this folder.
 Message[] term)
          Search whole folder for messages matching the given term.
 Message[] term, Message[] msgs)
          Search the folder for messages matching the given term.
 void IMAPMessage.setContentID(String cid)
 void IMAPMessage.setContentLanguage(String[] languages)
 void IMAPMessage.setContentMD5(String md5)
 void IMAPMessage.setDataHandler(DataHandler content)
 void IMAPMessage.setDescription(String description, String charset)
 void IMAPMessage.setDisposition(String disposition)
 void IMAPMessage.setFileName(String filename)
 void IMAPMessage.setFlags(Flags flag, boolean set)
          Set/Unset the given flags in this message.
 void IMAPFolder.setFlags(Message[] msgs, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags for the given array of messages.
 void IMAPMessage.setFrom(Address address)
 void IMAPMessage.setHeader(String name, String value)
 void IMAPStore.setQuota(Quota quota)
          Set the quotas for the quota root specified in the quota argument.
 void IMAPFolder.setQuota(Quota quota)
          Set the quotas for the quotaroot specified in the quota argument.
 void IMAPMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
 void IMAPMessage.setReplyTo(Address[] addresses)
 void IMAPMessage.setSender(Address address)
 void IMAPMessage.setSentDate(Date d)
 void IMAPMessage.setSubject(String subject, String charset)
 void IMAPFolder.setSubscribed(boolean subscribe)
          Subscribe/Unsubscribe this folder.
 void IMAPMessage.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Write out the bytes into the given outputstream.

Uses of MessagingException in com.sun.mail.pop3

Methods in com.sun.mail.pop3 that throw MessagingException
 void POP3Message.addHeader(String name, String value)
          Add this value to the existing values for this header_name.
 void POP3Message.addHeaderLine(String line)
          Add a raw RFC822 header-line.
 void POP3Folder.appendMessages(Message[] msgs)
          Always throws MethodNotSupportedException because the POP3 protocol doesn't support appending messages.
 Map POP3Store.capabilities()
          Return a Map of the capabilities the server provided, as per RFC 2449.
 void POP3Store.close()
 void POP3Folder.close(boolean expunge)
 boolean POP3Folder.create(int type)
          Always returns false; the POP3 protocol doesn't support creating folders.
protected  POP3Message POP3Folder.createMessage(Folder f, int msgno)
 boolean POP3Folder.delete(boolean recurse)
          Always throws MethodNotSupportedException because the POP3 protocol doesn't allow the INBOX to be deleted.
 Message[] POP3Folder.expunge()
          Always throws MethodNotSupportedException because the POP3 protocol doesn't support expunging messages without closing the folder; call the close method with the expunge argument set to true instead.
 void POP3Folder.fetch(Message[] msgs, FetchProfile fp)
          Prefetch information about POP3 messages.
 Enumeration POP3Message.getAllHeaderLines()
          Get all header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration POP3Message.getAllHeaders()
          Return all the headers from this Message as an enumeration of Header objects.
protected  InputStream POP3Message.getContentStream()
          Produce the raw bytes of the content.
 Folder POP3Store.getDefaultFolder()
 Folder POP3Store.getFolder(String name)
          Only the name "INBOX" is supported.
 Folder POP3Folder.getFolder(String name)
          Always throws MessagingException because no POP3 folders can contain subfolders.
 Folder POP3Store.getFolder(URLName url)
 String[] POP3Message.getHeader(String name)
          Get all the headers for this header_name.
 String POP3Message.getHeader(String name, String delimiter)
          Get all the headers for this header name, returned as a single String, with headers separated by the delimiter.
 Enumeration POP3Message.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration POP3Message.getMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Return matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 Message POP3Folder.getMessage(int msgno)
 int POP3Folder.getMessageCount()
          Will not change while the folder is open because the POP3 protocol doesn't support notification of new messages arriving in open folders.
 Enumeration POP3Message.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get non-matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration POP3Message.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Return non-matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 int POP3Message.getSize()
          Return the size of the content of this message in bytes.
 int POP3Folder.getSize()
          Return the size of this folder, as was returned by the POP3 STAT command when this folder was opened.
 int[] POP3Folder.getSizes()
          Return the sizes of all messages in this folder, as returned by the POP3 LIST command.
 String POP3Folder.getUID(Message msg)
          Return the unique ID string for this message, or null if not available.
 boolean POP3Folder.hasNewMessages()
          Always returns false; the POP3 protocol provides no way to determine when a new message arrives.
 Folder[] POP3Folder.list(String pattern)
          Always throws MessagingException because no POP3 folders can contain subfolders.
 InputStream POP3Folder.listCommand()
          Return the raw results of the POP3 LIST command with no arguments.
 void mode)
          Throws FolderNotFoundException unless this folder is named "INBOX".
protected  boolean POP3Store.protocolConnect(String host, int portNum, String user, String passwd)
 void POP3Message.removeHeader(String name)
          Remove all headers with this name.
 boolean POP3Folder.renameTo(Folder f)
          Always throws MethodNotSupportedException because the POP3 protocol doesn't support multiple folders.
 void POP3Message.saveChanges()
          POP3 message can't be changed.
 void POP3Message.setFlags(Flags newFlags, boolean set)
          Set the specified flags on this message to the specified value.
 void POP3Message.setHeader(String name, String value)
          Set the value for this header_name.
 InputStream n)
          Fetch the header of the message and the first n lines of the raw content of the message.
 void POP3Message.writeTo(OutputStream os, String[] ignoreList)
          Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream, without specified headers.

Constructors in com.sun.mail.pop3 that throw MessagingException
POP3Message(Folder folder, int msgno)

Uses of MessagingException in com.sun.mail.smtp

Subclasses of MessagingException in com.sun.mail.smtp
 class SMTPAddressFailedException
          This exception is thrown when the message cannot be sent.
 class SMTPAddressSucceededException
          This exception is chained off a SendFailedException when the mail.smtp.reportsuccess property is true.
 class SMTPSenderFailedException
          This exception is thrown when the message cannot be sent.
 class SMTPSendFailedException
          This exception is thrown when the message cannot be sent.

Methods in com.sun.mail.smtp that throw MessagingException
 void SMTPTransport.close()
          Close the Transport and terminate the connection to the server.
 void SMTPTransport.connect(Socket socket)
          Start the SMTP protocol on the given socket, which was already connected by the caller.
protected  OutputStream
          Send the DATA command to the SMTP host and return an OutputStream to which the data is to be written.
protected  boolean SMTPTransport.ehlo(String domain)
          Issue the EHLO command.
protected  void SMTPTransport.finishData()
          Terminate the sent data.
protected  void SMTPTransport.helo(String domain)
          Issue the HELO command.
 void SMTPTransport.issueCommand(String cmd, int expect)
          Send the command to the server.
protected  void SMTPTransport.mailFrom()
          Issue the MAIL FROM: command to start sending a message.
protected  boolean SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(String host, int port, String user, String passwd)
          Performs the actual protocol-specific connection attempt.
protected  void SMTPTransport.rcptTo()
          Sends each address to the SMTP host using the RCPT TO: command and copies the address either into the validSentAddr or invalidAddr arrays.
protected  int SMTPTransport.readServerResponse()
          Reads server reponse returning the returnCode as the number.
 boolean SMTPTransport.sasllogin(String[] allowed, String realm, String authzid, String u, String p)
          SASL-based login.
protected  void SMTPTransport.sendCommand(String cmd)
          Sends command cmd to the server terminating it with CRLF.
 void SMTPTransport.sendMessage(Message message, Address[] addresses)
          Send the Message to the specified list of addresses.
protected  int SMTPTransport.simpleCommand(byte[] cmd)
          Send the command to the server and return the response code from the server.
 int SMTPTransport.simpleCommand(String cmd)
          Send the command to the server and return the response code from the server.
protected  void SMTPTransport.startTLS()
          Issue the STARTTLS command and switch the socket to TLS mode if it succeeds.

Constructors in com.sun.mail.smtp that throw MessagingException
SMTPMessage(MimeMessage source)
          Constructs a new SMTPMessage with content initialized from the source MimeMessage.
SMTPMessage(Session session, InputStream is)
          Constructs an SMTPMessage by reading and parsing the data from the specified MIME InputStream.

Uses of MessagingException in javax.mail

Subclasses of MessagingException in javax.mail
 class AuthenticationFailedException
          This exception is thrown when the connect method on a Store or Transport object fails due to an authentication failure (e.g., bad user name or password).
 class FolderClosedException
          This exception is thrown when a method is invoked on a Messaging object and the Folder that owns that object has died due to some reason.
 class FolderNotFoundException
          This exception is thrown by Folder methods, when those methods are invoked on a non existent folder.
 class IllegalWriteException
          The exception thrown when a write is attempted on a read-only attribute of any Messaging object.
 class MessageRemovedException
          The exception thrown when an invalid method is invoked on an expunged Message.
 class MethodNotSupportedException
          The exception thrown when a method is not supported by the implementation
 class NoSuchProviderException
          This exception is thrown when Session attempts to instantiate a Provider that doesn't exist.
 class ReadOnlyFolderException
          This exception is thrown when an attempt is made to open a folder read-write access when the folder is marked read-only.
 class SendFailedException
          This exception is thrown when the message cannot be sent.
 class StoreClosedException
          This exception is thrown when a method is invoked on a Messaging object and the Store that owns that object has died due to some reason.

Methods in javax.mail that throw MessagingException
 void Multipart.addBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Adds a Part to the multipart.
 void Multipart.addBodyPart(BodyPart part, int index)
          Adds a BodyPart at position index.
abstract  void Message.addFrom(Address[] addresses)
          Add these addresses to the existing "From" attribute
 void Part.addHeader(String header_name, String header_value)
          Add this value to the existing values for this header_name.
 void Message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType type, Address address)
          Add this recipient address to the existing ones of the given type.
abstract  void Message.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
          Add these recipient addresses to the existing ones of the given type.
abstract  void Folder.appendMessages(Message[] msgs)
          Append given Messages to this folder.
 void Service.close()
          Close this service and terminate its connection.
abstract  void Folder.close(boolean expunge)
          Close this Folder.
 void Service.connect()
          A generic connect method that takes no parameters.
 void Service.connect(String host, int port, String user, String password)
          Similar to connect(host, user, password) except a specific port can be specified.
 void Service.connect(String user, String password)
          Connect to the current host using the specified username and password.
 void Service.connect(String host, String user, String password)
          Connect to the specified address.
 void Folder.copyMessages(Message[] msgs, Folder folder)
          Copy the specified Messages from this Folder into another Folder.
abstract  boolean Folder.create(int type)
          Create this folder on the Store.
abstract  boolean Folder.delete(boolean recurse)
          Delete this Folder.
abstract  boolean Folder.exists()
          Tests if this folder physically exists on the Store.
abstract  Message[] Folder.expunge()
          Expunge (permanently remove) messages marked DELETED.
 void Folder.fetch(Message[] msgs, FetchProfile fp)
          Prefetch the items specified in the FetchProfile for the given Messages.
 Enumeration Part.getAllHeaders()
          Return all the headers from this part as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 Address[] Message.getAllRecipients()
          Get all the recipient addresses for the message.
 BodyPart MultipartDataSource.getBodyPart(int index)
          Get the specified Part.
 BodyPart Multipart.getBodyPart(int index)
          Get the specified Part.
 Object Part.getContent()
          Return the content as a Java object.
 String Part.getContentType()
          Returns the Content-Type of the content of this part.
 int Multipart.getCount()
          Return the number of enclosed BodyPart objects.
 DataHandler Part.getDataHandler()
          Return a DataHandler for the content within this part.
abstract  Folder Store.getDefaultFolder()
          Returns a Folder object that represents the 'root' of the default namespace presented to the user by the Store.
 int Folder.getDeletedMessageCount()
          Get the number of deleted messages in this Folder.
 String Part.getDescription()
          Return a description String for this part.
 String Part.getDisposition()
          Return the disposition of this part.
 String Part.getFileName()
          Get the filename associated with this part, if possible.
abstract  Flags Message.getFlags()
          Returns a Flags object containing the flags for this message.
abstract  Folder Store.getFolder(String name)
          Return the Folder object corresponding to the given name.
abstract  Folder Folder.getFolder(String name)
          Return the Folder object corresponding to the given name.
abstract  Folder Store.getFolder(URLName url)
          Return a closed Folder object, corresponding to the given URLName.
 Folder Session.getFolder(URLName url)
          Get a closed Folder object for the given URLName.
abstract  Address[] Message.getFrom()
          Returns the "From" attribute.
 String[] Part.getHeader(String header_name)
          Get all the headers for this header name.
 InputStream Part.getInputStream()
          Return an input stream for this part's "content".
 int Part.getLineCount()
          Return the number of lines in the content of this part.
 Enumeration Part.getMatchingHeaders(String[] header_names)
          Return matching headers from this part as an Enumeration of Header objects.
abstract  Message Folder.getMessage(int msgnum)
          Get the Message object corresponding to the given message number.
 Message UIDFolder.getMessageByUID(long uid)
          Get the Message corresponding to the given UID.
abstract  int Folder.getMessageCount()
          Get total number of messages in this Folder.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages()
          Get all Message objects from this Folder.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages(int[] msgnums)
          Get the Message objects for message numbers specified in the array.
 Message[] Folder.getMessages(int start, int end)
          Get the Message objects for message numbers ranging from start through end, both start and end inclusive.
 Message[] UIDFolder.getMessagesByUID(long[] uids)
          Get the Messages specified by the given array of UIDs.
 Message[] UIDFolder.getMessagesByUID(long start, long end)
          Get the Messages specified by the given range.
 int Folder.getNewMessageCount()
          Get the number of new messages in this Folder.
 Enumeration Part.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] header_names)
          Return non-matching headers from this envelope as an Enumeration of Header objects.
abstract  Folder Folder.getParent()
          Returns the parent folder of this folder.
 Folder[] Store.getPersonalNamespaces()
          Return a set of folders representing the personal namespaces for the current user.
 Quota[] QuotaAwareStore.getQuota(String folder)
          Get the quotas for the named folder.
abstract  Date Message.getReceivedDate()
          Get the date this message was received.
abstract  Address[] Message.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType type)
          Get all the recipient addresses of the given type.
 Address[] Message.getReplyTo()
          Get the addresses to which replies should be directed.
abstract  Date Message.getSentDate()
          Get the date this message was sent.
abstract  char Folder.getSeparator()
          Return the delimiter character that separates this Folder's pathname from the names of immediate subfolders.
 Folder[] Store.getSharedNamespaces()
          Return a set of folders representing the shared namespaces.
 int Part.getSize()
          Return the size of the content of this part in bytes.
abstract  String Message.getSubject()
          Get the subject of this message.
abstract  int Folder.getType()
          Returns the type of this Folder, that is, whether this folder can hold messages or subfolders or both.
 long UIDFolder.getUID(Message message)
          Get the UID for the specified message.
 long UIDFolder.getUIDValidity()
          Returns the UIDValidity value associated with this folder.
 int Folder.getUnreadMessageCount()
          Get the total number of unread messages in this Folder.
 URLName Folder.getURLName()
          Return a URLName representing this folder.
 Folder[] Store.getUserNamespaces(String user)
          Return a set of folders representing the namespaces for user.
abstract  boolean Folder.hasNewMessages()
          Returns true if this Folder has new messages since the last time this indication was reset.
 boolean Part.isMimeType(String mimeType)
          Is this Part of the specified MIME type? This method compares only the primaryType and subType.
 boolean Message.isSet(Flags.Flag flag)
          Check whether the flag specified in the flag argument is set in this message.
 Folder[] Folder.list()
          Convenience method that returns the list of folders under this Folder.
abstract  Folder[] Folder.list(String pattern)
          Returns a list of Folders belonging to this Folder's namespace that match the specified pattern.
 Folder[] Folder.listSubscribed()
          Convenience method that returns the list of subscribed folders under this Folder.
 Folder[] Folder.listSubscribed(String pattern)
          Returns a list of subscribed Folders belonging to this Folder's namespace that match the specified pattern.
 boolean Message.match(SearchTerm term)
          Apply the specified Search criterion to this message.
abstract  void mode)
          Open this Folder.
protected  boolean Service.protocolConnect(String host, int port, String user, String password)
          The service implementation should override this method to perform the actual protocol-specific connection attempt.
 boolean Multipart.removeBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Remove the specified part from the multipart message.
 void Multipart.removeBodyPart(int index)
          Remove the part at specified location (starting from 0).
 void Part.removeHeader(String header_name)
          Remove all headers with this name.
abstract  boolean Folder.renameTo(Folder f)
          Rename this Folder.
abstract  Message Message.reply(boolean replyToAll)
          Get a new Message suitable for a reply to this message.
abstract  void Message.saveChanges()
          Save any changes made to this message into the message-store when the containing folder is closed, if the message is contained in a folder.
 Message[] term)
          Search this Folder for messages matching the specified search criterion.
 Message[] term, Message[] msgs)
          Search the given array of messages for those that match the specified search criterion.
static void Transport.send(Message msg)
          Send a message.
static void Transport.send(Message msg, Address[] addresses)
          Send the message to the specified addresses, ignoring any recipients specified in the message itself.
abstract  void Transport.sendMessage(Message msg, Address[] addresses)
          Send the Message to the specified list of addresses.
 void Part.setContent(Multipart mp)
          This method sets the given Multipart object as this message's content.
 void Part.setContent(Object obj, String type)
          A convenience method for setting this part's content.
 void Part.setDataHandler(DataHandler dh)
          This method provides the mechanism to set this part's content.
 void Part.setDescription(String description)
          Set a description String for this part.
 void Part.setDisposition(String disposition)
          Set the disposition of this part.
 void Part.setFileName(String filename)
          Set the filename associated with this part, if possible.
 void Message.setFlag(Flags.Flag flag, boolean set)
          Set the specified flag on this message to the specified value.
abstract  void Message.setFlags(Flags flag, boolean set)
          Set the specified flags on this message to the specified value.
 void Folder.setFlags(int[] msgnums, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags on the messages whose message numbers are in the array.
 void Folder.setFlags(int start, int end, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags on the messages numbered from start through end, both start and end inclusive.
 void Folder.setFlags(Message[] msgs, Flags flag, boolean value)
          Set the specified flags on the messages specified in the array.
abstract  void Message.setFrom()
          Set the "From" attribute in this Message.
abstract  void Message.setFrom(Address address)
          Set the "From" attribute in this Message.
 void Part.setHeader(String header_name, String header_value)
          Set the value for this header_name.
protected  void Multipart.setMultipartDataSource(MultipartDataSource mp)
          Setup this Multipart object from the given MultipartDataSource.
 void QuotaAwareStore.setQuota(Quota quota)
          Set the quotas for the quota root specified in the quota argument.
 void Message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType type, Address address)
          Set the recipient address.
abstract  void Message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
          Set the recipient addresses.
 void Message.setReplyTo(Address[] addresses)
          Set the addresses to which replies should be directed.
abstract  void Message.setSentDate(Date date)
          Set the sent date of this message.
abstract  void Message.setSubject(String subject)
          Set the subject of this message.
 void Folder.setSubscribed(boolean subscribe)
          Subscribe or unsubscribe this Folder.
 void Part.setText(String text)
          A convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content with a MIME type of "text/plain".
 void Part.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Output a bytestream for this Part.
abstract  void Multipart.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Output an appropriately encoded bytestream to the given OutputStream.

Uses of MessagingException in javax.mail.internet

Subclasses of MessagingException in javax.mail.internet
 class AddressException
          The exception thrown when a wrongly formatted address is encountered.
 class ParseException
          The exception thrown due to an error in parsing RFC822 or MIME headers

Methods in javax.mail.internet that throw MessagingException
 void MimeMultipart.addBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Adds a Part to the multipart.
 void MimeMultipart.addBodyPart(BodyPart part, int index)
          Adds a BodyPart at position index.
 void MimeMessage.addFrom(Address[] addresses)
          Add the specified addresses to the existing "From" field.
 void MimeMessage.addHeader(String name, String value)
          Add this value to the existing values for this header_name.
 void MimeBodyPart.addHeader(String name, String value)
          Add this value to the existing values for this header_name.
 void MimePart.addHeaderLine(String line)
          Add a raw RFC822 header-line.
 void MimeMessage.addHeaderLine(String line)
          Add a raw RFC 822 header-line.
 void MimeBodyPart.addHeaderLine(String line)
          Add a header line to this body part
 void MimeMessage.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
          Add the given addresses to the specified recipient type.
 void MimeMessage.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, String addresses)
          Add the given addresses to the specified recipient type.
 void MimeBodyPart.attachFile(File file)
          Use the specified file to provide the data for this part.
 void MimeBodyPart.attachFile(String file)
          Use the specified file to provide the data for this part.
protected  InternetHeaders MimeMultipart.createInternetHeaders(InputStream is)
          Create and return an InternetHeaders object that loads the headers from the given InputStream.
protected  InternetHeaders MimeMessage.createInternetHeaders(InputStream is)
          Create and return an InternetHeaders object that loads the headers from the given InputStream.
protected  MimeBodyPart MimeMultipart.createMimeBodyPart(InputStream is)
          Create and return a MimeBodyPart object to represent a body part parsed from the InputStream.
protected  MimeBodyPart MimeMultipart.createMimeBodyPart(InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content)
          Create and return a MimeBodyPart object to represent a body part parsed from the InputStream.
protected  MimeMessage MimeMessage.createMimeMessage(Session session)
          Create and return a MimeMessage object.
static InputStream MimeUtility.decode(InputStream is, String encoding)
          Decode the given input stream.
static OutputStream MimeUtility.encode(OutputStream os, String encoding)
          Wrap an encoder around the given output stream.
static OutputStream MimeUtility.encode(OutputStream os, String encoding, String filename)
          Wrap an encoder around the given output stream.
 Enumeration MimePart.getAllHeaderLines()
          Get all header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getAllHeaderLines()
          Get all header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getAllHeaderLines()
          Get all header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getAllHeaders()
          Return all the headers from this Message as an enumeration of Header objects.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getAllHeaders()
          Return all the headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 Address[] MimeMessage.getAllRecipients()
          Get all the recipient addresses for the message.
 BodyPart MimeMultipart.getBodyPart(int index)
          Get the specified BodyPart.
 BodyPart MimeMultipart.getBodyPart(String CID)
          Get the MimeBodyPart referred to by the given ContentID (CID).
 Object MimeMessage.getContent()
          Return the content as a Java object.
 Object MimeBodyPart.getContent()
          Return the content as a Java object.
 String MimePart.getContentID()
          Get the Content-ID of this part.
 String MimeMessage.getContentID()
          Returns the value of the "Content-ID" header field.
 String MimeBodyPart.getContentID()
          Returns the value of the "Content-ID" header field.
 String[] MimePart.getContentLanguage()
          Get the language tags specified in the Content-Language header of this MimePart.
 String[] MimeMessage.getContentLanguage()
          Get the languages specified in the "Content-Language" header field of this message.
 String[] MimeBodyPart.getContentLanguage()
          Get the languages specified in the Content-Language header of this MimePart.
 String MimePart.getContentMD5()
          Get the Content-MD5 digest of this part.
 String MimeMessage.getContentMD5()
          Return the value of the "Content-MD5" header field.
 String MimeBodyPart.getContentMD5()
          Return the value of the "Content-MD5" header field.
protected  InputStream MimeMessage.getContentStream()
          Produce the raw bytes of the content.
protected  InputStream MimeBodyPart.getContentStream()
          Produce the raw bytes of the content.
 String MimeMessage.getContentType()
          Returns the value of the RFC 822 "Content-Type" header field.
 String MimeBodyPart.getContentType()
          Returns the value of the RFC 822 "Content-Type" header field.
 int MimeMultipart.getCount()
          Return the number of enclosed BodyPart objects.
 DataHandler MimeMessage.getDataHandler()
          Return a DataHandler for this Message's content.
 DataHandler MimeBodyPart.getDataHandler()
          Return a DataHandler for this body part's content.
 String MimeMessage.getDescription()
          Returns the "Content-Description" header field of this Message.
 String MimeBodyPart.getDescription()
          Returns the "Content-Description" header field of this body part.
 String MimeMessage.getDisposition()
          Returns the value of the "Content-Disposition" header field.
 String MimeBodyPart.getDisposition()
          Returns the value of the "Content-Disposition" header field.
 String PreencodedMimeBodyPart.getEncoding()
          Returns the content transfer encoding specified when this object was created.
 String MimePart.getEncoding()
          Get the transfer encoding of this part.
 String MimeMessage.getEncoding()
          Returns the content transfer encoding from the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header field.
 String MimeBodyPart.getEncoding()
          Returns the content transfer encoding from the "Content-Transfer-Encoding" header field.
 String MimeMessage.getFileName()
          Get the filename associated with this Message.
 String MimeBodyPart.getFileName()
          Get the filename associated with this body part.
 Flags MimeMessage.getFlags()
          Return a Flags object containing the flags for this message.
 Address[] MimeMessage.getFrom()
          Returns the value of the RFC 822 "From" header fields.
 String[] MimeMessage.getHeader(String name)
          Get all the headers for this header_name.
 String[] MimeBodyPart.getHeader(String name)
          Get all the headers for this header_name.
 String MimePart.getHeader(String name, String delimiter)
          Get the values of all header fields available for this header, returned as a single String, with the values separated by the delimiter.
 String MimeMessage.getHeader(String name, String delimiter)
          Get all the headers for this header name, returned as a single String, with headers separated by the delimiter.
 String MimeBodyPart.getHeader(String name, String delimiter)
          Get all the headers for this header name, returned as a single String, with headers separated by the delimiter.
 InputStream MimeMessage.getInputStream()
          Return a decoded input stream for this Message's "content".
 InputStream MimeBodyPart.getInputStream()
          Return a decoded input stream for this body part's "content".
 int MimeMessage.getLineCount()
          Return the number of lines for the content of this message.
 int MimeBodyPart.getLineCount()
          Return the number of lines for the content of this Part.
 Enumeration MimePart.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Return matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Return matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 String MimeMessage.getMessageID()
          Returns the value of the "Message-ID" header field.
 Enumeration MimePart.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get non-matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get non-matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getNonMatchingHeaderLines(String[] names)
          Get non-matching header lines as an Enumeration of Strings.
 Enumeration MimeMessage.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Return non-matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 Enumeration MimeBodyPart.getNonMatchingHeaders(String[] names)
          Return non-matching headers from this Message as an Enumeration of Header objects.
 String MimeMultipart.getPreamble()
          Get the preamble text, if any, that appears before the first body part of this multipart.
 InputStream MimeMessage.getRawInputStream()
          Return an InputStream to the raw data with any Content-Transfer-Encoding intact.
 InputStream MimeBodyPart.getRawInputStream()
          Return an InputStream to the raw data with any Content-Transfer-Encoding intact.
 Date MimeMessage.getReceivedDate()
          Returns the Date on this message was received.
 Address[] MimeMessage.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType type)
          Returns the recepients specified by the type.
 Address[] MimeMessage.getReplyTo()
          Return the value of the RFC 822 "Reply-To" header field.
 Address MimeMessage.getSender()
          Returns the value of the RFC 822 "Sender" header field.
 Date MimeMessage.getSentDate()
          Returns the value of the RFC 822 "Date" field.
 int MimeMessage.getSize()
          Return the size of the content of this message in bytes.
 int MimeBodyPart.getSize()
          Return the size of the content of this body part in bytes.
 String MimeMessage.getSubject()
          Returns the value of the "Subject" header field.
 boolean MimeMultipart.isComplete()
          Return true if the final boundary line for this multipart was seen.
 boolean MimeMessage.isMimeType(String mimeType)
          Is this Part of the specified MIME type? This method compares only the primaryType and subType.
 boolean MimeBodyPart.isMimeType(String mimeType)
          Is this Part of the specified MIME type? This method compares only the primaryType and subType.
 boolean MimeMessage.isSet(Flags.Flag flag)
          Check whether the flag specified in the flag argument is set in this message.
 void InternetHeaders.load(InputStream is)
          Read and parse the given RFC822 message stream till the blank line separating the header from the body.
protected  void MimeMultipart.parse()
          Parse the InputStream from our DataSource, constructing the appropriate MimeBodyParts.
protected  void MimeMessage.parse(InputStream is)
          Parse the InputStream setting the headers and content fields appropriately.
 boolean MimeMultipart.removeBodyPart(BodyPart part)
          Remove the specified part from the multipart message.
 void MimeMultipart.removeBodyPart(int index)
          Remove the part at specified location (starting from 0).
 void MimeMessage.removeHeader(String name)
          Remove all headers with this name.
 void MimeBodyPart.removeHeader(String name)
          Remove all headers with this name.
 Message MimeMessage.reply(boolean replyToAll)
          Get a new Message suitable for a reply to this message.
 void MimeMessage.saveChanges()
          Updates the appropriate header fields of this message to be consistent with the message's contents.
 void MimeBodyPart.saveFile(File file)
          Save the contents of this part in the specified file.
 void MimeBodyPart.saveFile(String file)
          Save the contents of this part in the specified file.
 void MimeMessage.setContent(Multipart mp)
          This method sets the Message's content to a Multipart object.
 void MimeBodyPart.setContent(Multipart mp)
          This method sets the body part's content to a Multipart object.
 void MimeMessage.setContent(Object o, String type)
          A convenience method for setting this Message's content.
 void MimeBodyPart.setContent(Object o, String type)
          A convenience method for setting this body part's content.
 void MimeMessage.setContentID(String cid)
          Set the "Content-ID" header field of this Message.
 void MimeBodyPart.setContentID(String cid)
          Set the "Content-ID" header field of this body part.
 void MimePart.setContentLanguage(String[] languages)
          Set the Content-Language header of this MimePart.
 void MimeMessage.setContentLanguage(String[] languages)
          Set the "Content-Language" header of this MimePart.
 void MimeBodyPart.setContentLanguage(String[] languages)
          Set the Content-Language header of this MimePart.
 void MimePart.setContentMD5(String md5)
          Set the Content-MD5 of this part.
 void MimeMessage.setContentMD5(String md5)
          Set the "Content-MD5" header field of this Message.
 void MimeBodyPart.setContentMD5(String md5)
          Set the "Content-MD5" header field of this body part.
 void MimeMessage.setDataHandler(DataHandler dh)
          This method provides the mechanism to set this part's content.
 void MimeBodyPart.setDataHandler(DataHandler dh)
          This method provides the mechanism to set this body part's content.
 void MimeMessage.setDescription(String description)
          Set the "Content-Description" header field for this Message.
 void MimeBodyPart.setDescription(String description)
          Set the "Content-Description" header field for this body part.
 void MimeMessage.setDescription(String description, String charset)
          Set the "Content-Description" header field for this Message.
 void MimeBodyPart.setDescription(String description, String charset)
          Set the "Content-Description" header field for this body part.
 void MimeMessage.setDisposition(String disposition)
          Set the "Content-Disposition" header field of this Message.
 void MimeBodyPart.setDisposition(String disposition)
          Set the "Content-Disposition" header field of this body part.
 void MimeMessage.setFileName(String filename)
          Set the filename associated with this part, if possible.
 void MimeBodyPart.setFileName(String filename)
          Set the filename associated with this body part, if possible.
 void MimeMessage.setFlags(Flags flag, boolean set)
          Set the flags for this message.
 void MimeMessage.setFrom()
          Set the RFC 822 "From" header field using the value of the InternetAddress.getLocalAddress method.
 void MimeMessage.setFrom(Address address)
          Set the RFC 822 "From" header field.
 void MimeMessage.setHeader(String name, String value)
          Set the value for this header_name.
 void MimeBodyPart.setHeader(String name, String value)
          Set the value for this header_name.
 void MimeMultipart.setPreamble(String preamble)
          Set the preamble text to be included before the first body part.
 void MimeMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, Address[] addresses)
          Set the specified recipient type to the given addresses.
 void MimeMessage.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType type, String addresses)
          Set the specified recipient type to the given addresses.
 void MimeMessage.setReplyTo(Address[] addresses)
          Set the RFC 822 "Reply-To" header field.
 void MimeMessage.setSender(Address address)
          Set the RFC 822 "Sender" header field.
 void MimeMessage.setSentDate(Date d)
          Set the RFC 822 "Date" header field.
 void MimeMessage.setSubject(String subject)
          Set the "Subject" header field.
 void MimeMessage.setSubject(String subject, String charset)
          Set the "Subject" header field.
 void MimeMultipart.setSubType(String subtype)
          Set the subtype.
 void MimePart.setText(String text)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a MIME type of "text/plain".
 void MimeMessage.setText(String text)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a MIME type of "text/plain".
 void MimeBodyPart.setText(String text)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a MIME type of "text/plain".
 void MimePart.setText(String text, String charset)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a MIME type of "text/plain" and the specified charset.
 void MimeMessage.setText(String text, String charset)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a MIME type of "text/plain" and the specified charset.
 void MimeBodyPart.setText(String text, String charset)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a MIME type of "text/plain" and the specified charset.
 void MimePart.setText(String text, String charset, String subtype)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a primary MIME type of "text" and the specified MIME subtype.
 void MimeMessage.setText(String text, String charset, String subtype)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a primary MIME type of "text" and the specified MIME subtype.
 void MimeBodyPart.setText(String text, String charset, String subtype)
          Convenience method that sets the given String as this part's content, with a primary MIME type of "text" and the specified MIME subtype.
protected  void PreencodedMimeBodyPart.updateHeaders()
          Force the Content-Transfer-Encoding header to use the encoding that was specified when this object was created.
protected  void MimeMultipart.updateHeaders()
          Update headers.
protected  void MimeMessage.updateHeaders()
          Called by the saveChanges method to actually update the MIME headers.
protected  void MimeBodyPart.updateHeaders()
          Examine the content of this body part and update the appropriate MIME headers.
protected  void MimeMessage.updateMessageID()
          Update the Message-ID header.
 void PreencodedMimeBodyPart.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Output the body part as an RFC 822 format stream.
 void MimeMultipart.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Iterates through all the parts and outputs each MIME part separated by a boundary.
 void MimeMessage.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream.
 void MimeBodyPart.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Output the body part as an RFC 822 format stream.
 void MimeMessage.writeTo(OutputStream os, String[] ignoreList)
          Output the message as an RFC 822 format stream, without specified headers.

Constructors in javax.mail.internet that throw MessagingException
InternetHeaders(InputStream is)
          Read and parse the given RFC822 message stream till the blank line separating the header from the body.
MimeBodyPart(InputStream is)
          Constructs a MimeBodyPart by reading and parsing the data from the specified input stream.
MimeBodyPart(InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content)
          Constructs a MimeBodyPart using the given header and content bytes.
MimeMessage(Folder folder, InputStream is, int msgnum)
          Constructs a MimeMessage by reading and parsing the data from the specified MIME InputStream.
MimeMessage(Folder folder, InternetHeaders headers, byte[] content, int msgnum)
          Constructs a MimeMessage from the given InternetHeaders object and content.
MimeMessage(MimeMessage source)
          Constructs a new MimeMessage with content initialized from the source MimeMessage.
MimeMessage(Session session, InputStream is)
          Constructs a MimeMessage by reading and parsing the data from the specified MIME InputStream.
MimeMultipart(DataSource ds)
          Constructs a MimeMultipart object and its bodyparts from the given DataSource.

Uses of MessagingException in

Subclasses of MessagingException in
 class SearchException
          The exception thrown when a Search expression could not be handled.

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