UC Santa Barbara Computer Science Capstone    Presentations (@CS Summit) March 19th, 2022

2021-22 Student/Industry Teams

Pina Colada

2022 First Place Winner! Congrats!

Partner: AgMonitor
Team: Kaiwen Li (Lead), Jayden Yu, Yuyuan Wang, Alex Mei, Jasun Chen

Mentor(s): Thomas Kuo, Oliver Jerphagnon
Project Overview: Our project will build a pipeline to clean and aggregate energy data streams to create an application that will store and visualize energy data. We also hope to implement a real-time algorithmic system that can effectively manage energy assets and optimize energy costs.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]


2022 Third Place Winner! Congrats!

Partner: NavAir
Team: Nick Arenberg (Lead), Nick Mattair (Scribe), Max Medearis, Andy Ho, Matthew Chen

Mentor(s): Mike Cloud, Kevin Burk
Project Overview: With this project, we will create an application that continuously monitors a network to determine the hardware and software installed on each endpoint. This data will be checked against a ledger of known software to locate any irregularities or issues. It will be presented to users in an easily consumed manner. Users will be able to see a network graph and view reports from potential threats with detailed information on each specific endpoint and their flagged activities.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]


Partner: NavSea
Team: Lyuda Panina (Lead), Vivian Ross (Scribe), Emily O'Mahony, Kyle Kam, Thao Phan

Mentor(s): Alan Jaeger
Project Overview: The Navy supports many systems on deployed ships, ranging from weapons to communications systems. These systems are quite specialized, and some are as many as forty years old. After designing and deploying these systems, it is necessary to maintain them and incrementally update or retrofit them. The goal of our project is to integrate augmented reality in systems maintenance in a way that is feasible in the complex environment of a Navy ship.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]

So Far, So Good

Partner: Xenon
Team: Chris Yang (Lead), Thomas Zhang (Scribe), Nico Wong, Kyle Stubbs, Edward Thai

Mentor(s): Donnie Hasseltine and Jason Gilmore
Project Overview: Create an umbrella dashboard that presents insights into one or more GitHub organizational accounts, reporting on 2FA requirement, outside contributors, dependabot alerts pull requests lacking an assigned reviewer and code that contains sensitive information such as API keys or passwords. We would also like to configure alerts to notify pertinent parties about potential issues.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]

404: Team Name Not Found

Partner: Teladoc
Team: Ishana Narayanan (Lead), Sophie Groenwold (Scribe), Steven Huynh-Tran, Anthony Palomera, Evan Yip, Katelyn Zhang

Mentor(s): John O'Donovan, Sushil Bharati
Project Overview: We would like to ensure doctors have a better understanding of patients concerns and symptoms before meeting physically or virtually, ensure patients are comfortable voicing all their concerns in a virtual pre-checkup environment, the creation of an interface with an avatar to understand the patients’ medical problems and questions, and the creation of compiled reports of patients’ symptoms and concerns with a suggested course of action available for doctors to view.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]

#Koki's Kookies

Partner: Invoca
Team: Koki Narimoto (Lead), Bryan Xu (Scribe), Adarsh Garg, Shaurye Mahajan, Sydney Lim, Zion Wang

Mentor(s): David Ron, Lauren Hedberg, Rachel Pham, Yinon Rousso, Jasen Hall
Project Overview: The intended goal of this project is to create a Web App where the salesperson can view the call logs and the corresponding call summaries for each call in order to determine the customers' intent in the product
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]

The Exceptional Null Pointers

Partner: Appfolio
Team: Wade Varesio (Lead), Kevin Pham (Scribe), Eric Yuan, Noah Pang, Kobe Shavolian

Mentor(s): Sacheverel (Chev) Eldrid, David Shen, Justin Pearson
Project Overview: We will create a web application that is essentially a one-stop shop for prospective renters. They will be able to view all available listings aggregated from multiple rental listing websites, apply to properties, filter through properties, view properties on a map overlay, and share listings with a group of roommates. Furthermore, our solution will rate various rental listings based on price, location, and offered amenities. Lastly, we will create a universal rental form to collect the most common information so that renters won’t have to fill out the majority of a new form for each property that they apply to. Our application will streamline the rental process, for both renters and property managers.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]

Panda Team

Partner: Alcon
Team: Jiayu Chen (Lead), Jessica Zhang (Scribe), Yinglong Wang, Zora Jiang, Grace Zhang, Zilie Huang Mizrahi

Mentor(s): Jason Jennett, Lu Yin, Franz Hampp
Project Overview: We would like to help eye surgeons to identify telltale visual signs and assist them in discovering as many symptoms as possible
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF]

Inspector Royale

Partner: Bill.com
Team: Derek Garcia (Lead), Noa Kim (Scribe), Huiyu Zhang, Joe Zhuang, Carson Coley

Mentor(s): Stuart Ogawa
Project Overview: Deliver recommendations telling a business user whether or not they should invest time and resources into a specific set of industries and entities for a given business archetype. Provide mathematical explainability supporting the recommendations.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]


2022 Second Place Winner! Congrats!

Partner: WellHealth
Team: Neil Sadhukhan (Lead), Kevin Nguyen (Scribe), Eason Jiang, Tom Nguyen, Yusong Yan

Project Overview: Our project (VCare) aims to improve online mental health therapy by making exposure therapy available online. We will create a virtual reality environment that the patient can interact with where they will be exposed to their source of anxiety. The virtual reality environment will automatically adjust to the patient's comfort level, and try to push them towards increased levels of stress. There will also be a web client through which a therapist can talk to the patient, see what the patient is seeing, and control the virtual environment manually.
Vision Statement: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document: [PDF]
Project Requirements Document v2: [PDF]
End of CS189A (First Quarter) Presentation: [PDF] [YouTube]
Development Plan: [PDF]
Final Poster: [PDF]
Final Presentation: [PDF] [Video]