Matthew Turk:
My primary research interests are in computer vision and human-computer interaction, particular in augmented reality, computational photography, multimodal interaction, and mobile computing.
current publications and research projects, see the
Four Eyes Lab
Select older publications
Turk, "Perceptive media: machine
perception and human computer interaction," Chinese Journal of
Computers, Vol. 23, No. 12, pp. 1235-1244, 2000.
P. Hong, M. Turk, and T. Huang, "Constructing finite state machines for fast gesture recognition," Proc. ICPR, Barcelona, Spain, September 2000.
M. Turk and G. Robertson, "Perceptual User Interfaces," Communications of the ACM, March 2000.
P. Hong, M. Turk, and T. Huang, "Gesture modeling and recognition using finite state machines," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition, Grenoble, France, March 2000.
N. Jojic, M. Turk, and T. Huang, "Tracking self-occluding articulated object in dense disparity maps," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Corfu, Greece, September 1999.
M. Turk, "Moving from GUIs to PUIs," Proc. Fourth Symposium on Intelligent Information Media, Tokyo, Japan, December 1998. (also Microsoft Research Technical Report #MSR-TR-98-69)
N. Jojic, M. Turk, and T. Huang, "Tracking articulated objects in stereo image sequences," Proc. IT Workshop on Detection, Estimation, Classification, and Imaging, Sante Fe, NM, Feb 24-25, 1999.
R. Cutler and M. Turk, "View-based Interpretation of Real-time Optical Flow for Gesture Recognition," Proc. 1998 IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, April 14-16, 1998, Nara, Japan.
M. Turk, "Visual Interaction With Lifelike Characters," Proc. IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Killington, Vermont, October 13-16, 1996.
A. Pentland, T. Darrell, M. Turk, and W. Huang, "A Simple, Real-Time Range Camera," Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1989.
PhD Thesis:
M. Turk, "Interactive Time Vision: Face Recognition as a Visual Behavior," PhD thesis, MIT Media Lab, September 1991.
M. Turk and A. Pentland, "Face recognition using eigenfaces," Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Maui, Hawaii, 1991.
M. Turk and A. Pentland, "Eigenfaces for recognition," Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 71-86, Winter 1991.
Pentland, T. Starner, N. Etcoff, A. Masoiu, O. Oliyide, and M. Turk,
"Experiments with Eigenfaces," Looking
at People Workshop, IJCAI'93, Chambery, France, August 1993.
Mobile Robotics (DARPA ALV project):
M. Turk and M. Marra, "Color road segmentation and video obstacle detection," SPIE Mobile Robots I, Cambridge, MA, Nov. 1986.
M. Turk, D. Morgenthaler, K. Gremban, and M. Marra, "VITS - a vision system for autonomous vehicle navigation," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 10, No. 3, May 1988.
M. Turk, D. Morgenthaler, K. Gremban, M. Marra, "Video road-following for the Autonomous Land Vehicle," Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Raleigh, N. C., April, 1987.