CS 267 Lectures
- Lecture 17:
Software Verification and Logic & Application Access Control Verification
- Lectures 15-16:
Quantitative Symbolic Analysis
- Lecture 14: Satisfiability Modulo Theories, DPLL, DPLL(T)
- Lecture 13: Symbolic Execution, Dynamic Symbolic Execution
- Lecture 12:
Predicate Abstraction, Counter-Example Guided Abstraction Refinement,
Abstract Interpretation
- Lecture 11: Bounded Model Checking, CBMC
- Lecture 10: Software Verification Using
Explicit State Model Checking, Java Path Finder, CMC
- Lecture 9: Nested Depth First Search, Counter-Example
Generation Revisited, Bit-State Hashing, On-The-Fly Model Checking
- Lecture 8: LTL to Buchi Automata Translation
- Lecture 7: Automata Theoretic Model Checking, SPIN
- Lecture 6: SMV Model Checker, Partitioned Transition
Systems, Counter-Example Generation in Symbolic Model Checking
- Lecture 5: Binary Decision Diagrams
- Lecture 4: Mu-calculus. Symbolic model checking
- Lecture 3: Fixpoints and temporal properties
- Lecture 2: Linear vs. Branching time. Temporal logics
CTL, CTL*. CTL model checking algorithm. Counter-example generation.
- Lecture 1: Brief introduction. Transition Systems. Temporal Logic LTL.