CS 60, Fall 2009
Lecture slides
- Week 0 - September 25 - Course introduction
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- Week 1 - September 28, 30, October 2 - Basic C and Unix features
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and here is the Unix
history link)
- Week 2 - October 5, 7, 9 - More basics, C modules, and introduction to C pointers
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- Week 3 - October 12, 14, 16 (exam) - More C pointers and related topics
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- Week 4 - October 19, 21, 23 - C input/output, and C structures
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Binky pointer video)
- Week 5 - October 26, 28, 30 - C system calls, and start C++
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- Week 6 - November 2, 4, 6 (exam) - More C++ features, and start classes
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- Week 7 - November 9, 11 (holiday), 13 - C++ classes
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- Week 8 - November 16, 18, 20 - C++ exceptions, function overloading and start inheritance
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- Week 9 - November 23, 25 (cancel), 27 (holiday) - C++ templates and more inheritance
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- Week 10 - November 30, December 2, 4 - C++ odds and ends, and Unix shells/scripts
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