Leonhard Euler ve İnsan Sesi (Leonhard Euler and the Human Voice) Sanattanyansimalar.com, January 2025. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 4MB) |
Verdi'nin Otello'su Budapeşte'de (Verdi's Otello in Budapest) Sanattanyansimalar.com, October 2024. ![]() Verdi's monumental opera Otello was presented by the Hungarian State Opera in their beautiful opera house in Budapest (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 5 pages, 6MB) |
Klasik Müziğin Son Harika Çocuğu Erich Wolfgang Korngold (The Last Wunderkind: Erich Wolfgang Korngold )
AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 72, January 2024, pp. 12-18. ![]() The life and times of the child prodigy composer Erich Wolfgang Korngold (1897-1958), who became a Hollywood movie music composer after a stunning career start in Vienna as a young man (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 1MB) |
Dead Man Walking MET'te (Dead Man Walking at the MET) Sanattanyansimalar.com, November, 2023. ![]() Jake Heggie's imensely successful 2000 opera Dead Man Walking has had its New York MET premiere in September 2023. Ivo van Hove's production featured Joyce DiDonato as Helen Prejean and Ryan McKinny as Joseph De Rocher. The original Sister Helen Susan Graham returned as De Rocher’s mother. (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 5MB) |
"Le Pacha": Liszt'in İstanbullu
Öğrencisi Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda ("Le Pacha": Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda, un élevé Constantinopolitain de Liszt) Voyages croisés entre l’Europe et l’Empire ottoman au XIXe siècle. Écrivains, artistes et musiciens à l’époque des Tanzimat, Nicolas Dufetel et Sarga Moussa (dir.), Istanbul, Éditions Isis, 2023, pp. 203-224. A brief introduction to the life and times of Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda, the student of Franz Liszt from Istanbul (in French). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 24 pages, 7MB) |
Bayreuth Wagner Festival Tiyatrosu (Bayreuth Wagner Festival Theater) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 71, February 2023, pp. 26-31. ![]() A visit to the Bayreuth Wagner Festival theater, built according to the wishes and specifications of Richard Wagner for the performance of his Ring cycle. The Festspeiele in the summer of 2022 included Tannhäuser and Lohengrin (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 7.5MB) |
İtalya’da Verdi’nin Adını Taşıyan Opera Salonları ("Verdi" Theaters in Italy) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 70, November 2022, pp. 16-20. ![]() Brindisi, Busseto, Florence, Padova, Pisa, Salerno, San Severo, Sassari and Trieste are among the towns in Italy which are proud to have a "Teatro Verdi" (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 2.2MB) |
Mozart’ı bir kez de tenor Michele Ochelli’den
dinleyin (Hear Mozart from tenor Michele Ochelli) Sanattanyansimalar.com, July 2022. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 20 pages, 7MB) |
Beethoven’ın Senfonilerine Bir Bakış (A Look at the Symphonies of Beethoven) Sanattanyansimalar.com, November 2022. ![]() A short look at the history of the symphony and the nine symphonies of Beethoven (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 10 pages, 0.7MB) |
20. Yüzyılın Keman Virtüözü Harika Çocuk Florizel von Reuter (20th Century's Violin Virtuoso: Child Prodigy Florizel von Reuter) Müzik Eğitimi Yayınları No.157, September 2022, ISBN: 978-625-7507-12-7 (216 pages). ![]() Florizel von Ruter was a child prodigy. He was born in the USA in 1890. As a child he stunned the virtuosi of the day by his violin playing and amazing memory. He graduated from the Geneva Conservatory at age 12. Having lived and concertized in Europe most of his life, he returned to the US after the II. World War and died in Wisconsin at 95 years of age (in Turkish). (Click on the cover for the link to the publisher's website) |
Mezzo Soprano, Besteci, İlham Perisi Pauline Viardot (Pauline Viardot: Mezzo soprano, Composer, Muse) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 68-69, September 2022, pp. 18-23. ![]() The life and times of Pauline Viardot; her fame as a mezzo soprano, composer, and a muse to many, including Ivan Turgenev (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 0.5MB) |
Tarik O'Regan
Musical Opinion Quarterly, No. 1532, July-September 2022, pp. 13-17.
![]() The British-American composer talks about "The Phoenix", his current projects, and his musical life (in English). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 1MB) |
Efsanevi Piyanist Franz Liszt’in İstanbul Ziyareti ve Liszt-Listmann Olayı (Legendary Pianist Franz Liszt’s İstanbul Visit and the Liszt-Listmann Incident)
İstanbul’un Çoksesli Batı Müziği Tarihi, İBB, İstanbul, August 2022, pp. 160-184.
![]() Highlights of Franz Liszt's visit to Istanbul in 1847 and the facts behind the news about a supposed impostor using his name in the city before his arrival on June 7, 1847 (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 25 pages, 7MB) |
Tarihten ve Günümüzden Klasik Müzik Yazıları
- III (Classical Music Articles from the Past and
Present - III) Müzik Eğitimi Yayınları No.156, June 2022, ISBN: 978-6257507110 (272 pages). ![]() This book is the third of a series of collected articles on classical music, on topics past and present (in Turkish). (Click on the cover for the link to the publisher's website) |
Mermerden ama Nefes Alan bir Handel (A Handel Breathing
Though Transformed to Stone)
AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 67, May 2022, pp. 8-14.
![]() The story of Vauxhall Gardens in London and the marble statue of Handel there by the French sculptor Louis-François Roubiliac. The statue was erected while Handel was still alive and graced the Gardens for 80 years (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 5MB) |
Tarık O'Regan:
İngiliz-Amerikan Besteci Müzik
Yaşamı, Üzerinde Çalıştığı Projeler ve “The Phoenix”
Hakkında Konuşuyor (Tarik O'Regan: The British-American Composer Talks
about "The
Phoenix," his Current Projects, and his
Musical Life)
AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 66, March 2022, pp. 12-19.
![]() The composer of the recent opera "The Phoenix," based on the amazing life story of Lorenzo Da Ponte talks about the opera, his music, his influences and his current projects (in English & Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 0.4MB) |
J. S. Bach'ın Cezaevinde Geçirdiği Ay (J. S. Bach's Month in Prison) Sanattanyansimalar.com, February 2022. ![]() J. S. Bach spent the month of November 1717 in a Weimar prison. His master Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Weimar was upset that the composer had accepted a job offer in Köthen without his permission. Bach was pardoned retroactively in 2008, in an attempt to clear the town's name (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 0.5MB) |
Yıldız Tiyatrosu’nda bir Altın Çocuk: Florizel
Reuter (A Golden Boy at the Yıldız Palace: Florizel Reuter) Atlas Tarih, No. 73, February-March, 2022, pp. 104-111. ![]() American child violin virtuoso Florizel Reuter played for the Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid at the Yıldız Palace in İstanbul in 1904. The thirteen-year-old Wunderkind wrote up his vivid memories of this visit later in life (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages (2 page format), 0.6MB) |
J. S. Bach'ın Cezaevinde Geçirdiği Ay (J. S. Bach's Month in Prison) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 64-65, January 2022, pp. 12-17. ![]() J. S. Bach spent the month of November 1717 in a Weimar prison. His master Duke Wilhelm Ernst of Weimar was upset that the composer had accepted a job offer in Köthen without his permission. Bach was pardoned retroactively in 2008, in an attempt to clear the town's name (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 2.5MB) |
Ferenc Liszt’in İstanbullu Öğrencisi Faik
Bey Franz Della Sudda üzerine sunum (Video presentation on Ferenc Liszt's Pupil
from İstanbul, Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda) Liszt Institute Hungarian Cultural Center, Istanbul: January 4, 2022 (50 min). . ![]() Video presentation on Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda, the only student of Franz Liszt from İstanbul. Liszt's pet name for Faik Bey was "Der Pasha" (in Turkish). (Click on the thumbnail to watch) (or watch it on YouTube ) |
Franz Liszt'in İstanbullu Öğrencisi Faik Bey
Franz Della Sudda ve Yakın Ailesi (Franz Liszt's Pupil from İstanbul Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda and his
Family) Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi, August 2021, ISBN: 978-6052988664 (376 pages). ![]() Life and times of Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda, the only student of Franz Liszt from Istanbul. Faik Bey came from a distinguished family, and studied under Liszt in Weimar. Liszt's pet name for Faik Bey was "Der Pasha". Also includes scores of his solo piano compositions (in Turkish). (Click on the cover for the link to the publisher's website) |
Mozart’ı bir kez de tenor Michele Ochelli’den
dinleyin (Hear Mozart from tenor Michele Ochelli) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 62-63, August 2021, pp. 14-23. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 11 pages, 7MB) |
Franz Liszt'in İstanbullu
Öğrencisi (Franz Liszt's Pupil from İstanbul) Sanattanyansimalar.com, August 2021. ![]() A brief introduction to the life and times of the only student of Franz Liszt from Istanbul, Faik Bey Franz Della Sudda (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 17 pages, 7MB) |
Mozart’ın Librettisti, New York'un Bakkalı (Mozart's Librettist, New York's Grocer) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 61, July 2021, pp. 16-21. ![]() The amazing life story of Lorenzo Da Ponte (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 0.8MB) |
Living Pianos of Ashburnham Musical Opinion Quarterly, No. 1528, July-September 2021, pp. 24-30. ![]() The living, functioning antique piano collection of Patricia and Michael Frederick in the small town of Ashburnham, Massachusetts (in English). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 1MB) |
Frederick Tarihsel Piyanolar Koleksiyonu (The Frederick Collection of Historic Pianos) Sanattanyansimalar.com, June 2021. ![]() The story of the amazing historical piano collection in Ashburnham, MA (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 18 pages, 1MB) |
Tarihten ve Günümüzden Klasik Müzik Yazıları
- II (Classical Music Articles from the Past and
Present - II) Müzik Eğitimi Yayınları No.142, June 2021, ISBN: 978-6054957958 (246 pages). ![]() This book is the second of a series of collected articles on classical music, on topics past and present (in Turkish). (Click on the cover for the link to the publisher's website) |
Frederick Tarihsel Piyanolar Koleksiyonu:
Patricia ve Michael Frederick ile bir Söyleşi (The Frederick Collection of Historic Pianos:
An interview with Patricia and Michael Frederick) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 60, April 2021, pp. 8-17. ![]() An interview with Patricia and Michael Frederick about the story of their amazing historical piano collection in Ashburnham, MA (in English & Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 10 pages, 0.7MB) |
Mendelssohn Buckingham Sarayında (Felix Mendelssohn at the
Buckingham Palace) Sanattanyansimalar.com, March 2021. ![]() Felix Mendelssohn visited the Buckingham palace twice in the summer of 1842. In his first visit he performed on the piano for Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, and in the second visit he played the piano and the organ, and also accompanied Victoria in her living room - the Queen singing his sister Fanny's and his own songs (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 3MB) |
Opera Bestecisi Daniel Catán ile bir Söyleşi (An Interview with the Opera
Composer Daniel Catán) Sanattanyansimalar.com, February 2021. ![]() An interview with the opera composer extraordinaire Daniel Catán made in 2010 in Santa Clarita, California, including some personal recollections (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 7MB) |
François Couperin’in Sultana’sı (François Couperin’s La Sultanne) Sanattanyansimalar.com, January 2021. ![]() This article is on Couperin's Trio Sonata titled La Sultanne, which is from his mature period (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 5.7MB) |
Beethoven Yılı’nda Senfonilerine Bir Bakış (A Look at the Symphonies in the Beethoven
Year) Andante, No. 170, December 2020, pp. 30-44. ![]() A short look at the nine symphonies of Beethoven on the occasion of the master's 250th birthday, celebrated as the "Beethoven Year" in 2020 (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 10 pages, 0.7MB) |
Dokuzuncu Senfoninin Türkiye'de İlk
Seslendirilişi (Premiere of the Ninth Symphony in Turkey) Sanattanyansimalar.com, December 2020. ![]() The Ninth Symphony premiered in Ankara on April 18, 1942, soon after the premiere of Fidelio in February 13, 1942, both under the direction of Ernst Praetorius (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 0.9MB) |
Dokuzuncu Senfoninin Viyana Prömiyeri (Vienna Premiere of the Ninth Symphony) Sanattanyansimalar.com, November 2020. ![]() The preparations, artists and the circumstances of the premiere of the Ninth Symphony in Vienna on May 7, 1824 (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 1.1MB) |
Beethoven'ın Dokuzuncu Senfonisi (Beethoven's Ninth Symphony) Sanattanyansimalar.com, October 2020. ![]() The first of a series of three essays on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, detailing the composition of the work (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 0.7MB) |
Constantinople Eseri (Holst's Constantinople) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 56-57, August 2020, pp. 10-13. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 4 pages, 2.9MB) |
Tarihten ve Günümüzden Klasik Müzik Yazıları
- I (Classical Music Articles from the Past and
Present - I) Müzik Eğitimi Yayınları No.129, July 2020, ISBN: 978-6054957828 (240 pages). ![]() This book is the first of a series of collected articles on classical music, on topics past and present (in Turkish). (Click on the cover for the link to the publisher's website) |
Lizbon Șehrinin Ulusal Tiyatrosu Teatro
Nacional de São Carlos (Lisbon's Teatro Nacional de São
Carlos) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 55, February 2020, pp. 24-28. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 0.6MB) |
Camille Saint-Saëns'ın "Tufan" Temalı
Oratoryosu (The Oratorio "Le Déluge" of Camille Saint-Saëns) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 54, December 2019, pp. 12-19. ![]() On the 1875 oratorio Le Déluge of Camille Saint-Saëns: its composition history, text, musical structure and original reception. The history of the "Flood" myth and its frequent usage as subject matter for other musical compositions are also discussed (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 0.7MB) |
Venedik'te Küllerinden
Tarihi Tiyatro: La Fenice (La Fenice in Venice: The
Historic Theater that Rises from its Ashes) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 53, September 2019, pp. 10-15. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 0.7MB) |
Chaminade Yıldız
(Cécile Chaminade at the Yıldız
Palace) Toplumsal Tarih, No. 309, September 2019, pp. 70-75. ![]() Cécile Chaminade was extremely popular during 1880-1910 as a composer and a pianist. In early 20th century there were over 200 Chaminade Clubs empowering women. She played for the Ottoman Sultan Abdülhamid II in the Yıldız palace in 1901. We luckily have a detailed description of this recital (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 6.5 MB) |
AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 51-2, August 2019, pp. 8-13. ![]() The stunning Harpa concert hall in Reykjavik, Iceland was inaugurated in 2011. Harpa has become a symbol of the recovery of this small but culturally active country from the financial crisis of 2008 (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 0.7MB) |
Padova ve Venedik'te iki
tarihi tiyatro: Teatro Verdi ve Teatro Goldoni (Two
historical theaters: Teatro Verdi in Padua and Teatro
Goldoni in Venice) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 50, February 2019, pp. 8-13. ![]() On two historical theaters in the Veneto region of Italy: Padua’s Teatro Verdi and Venice’s famous Teatro Goldoni (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 0.7MB) |
Teatro Stabile del Veneto’nun
direktörü Massimo Ongaro ile bir söyleşi (An interview
with Teatro Stabile del Veneto’s director Massimo
Ongaro) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 49, December 2018, pp. 6-11. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 0.5MB) |
Aida dünyaca ünlü Verona Arena'da (Aida in the world-famous Arena di
Verona) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 47-48, September 2018, pp. 6-10. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 1MB) |
"Lenny yılı" Leonard Bernstein 100, Candide 62 yaşında ("The year of Lenny": Leonard
Bernstein is 100 and Candide
is 62) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 46, June 2018, pp. 10-16. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 5.4MB) |
"Şahane Hayat" operası (An operatic "It's a Wonderful
Life") AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 43, December 2017, pp. 6-12. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 1MB) |
Amazon Yağmur Ormanının Göbeğindeki İnci: Teatro Amazonas (The Pearl of the Amazon
Rainforest: Teatro Amazonas) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 41-42, November 2017, pp. 10-16. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 1MB) |
Seslendirilen ilk Alman Operası (The First German Opera
in Turkey) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 1MB) |
Pompeius Magnus Kilikya'da (Pompeius Magnus in Cilicia) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 40, June 2017, pp. 6-12. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 6.5MB) |
Maestro John Neschling ile bir Söyleşi (An Interview with Maestro
John Neschling) |
Jascha Heifetz'in İstanbul resitalleri
(İstanbul recitals of Jascha Heifetz) Sanat Dünyamız, No. 157, March-April 2017, pp. 98-106. ![]() 27 year old Jascha Heifetz gave two recitals in Istanbul with his accompanist Isidor Achron. These took place on October 31 and November 3, 1928. Fortunately the programs of both events exist. The venue was the French Theater in Pera. The recitals were part of Heifetz's European tour right after his marriage to Florence Vidor (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 10 pages, 11.5MB) |
1928'de İstanbul 'da bitirilmiş bir eser: Jascha Heifetz'in
Rameau'dan yaptığı Rigaudon uyarlaması (The Heifetz arrangement of
Rameau's Rigaudon, completed in İstanbul in 1928) ![]() The history and an analysis of Jascha Heifetz's violin-piano arrangement of Jean-Philippe Rameau's Rigaudon from Dardanus. Heifetz finished this work on October 31, 1928 in Istanbul (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 8.5MB) |
"Theatro Municipal de São Paulo": Brezilya'nın Mega-Kenti São Paulo'nun Kültür Sarayı AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 38, February 2017, pp. 22-28. ![]() The architecture, decorations, and the history of "Theatro Municipal de São Paulo," starting with the Coffee Barons of São Paulo (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 1MB) |
Saint-Saëns'ın Operaları, 2. bölüm (Operas of Camille
Saint-Saëns, Part II) Opera & Bale Dergisi, No. 8, January 2017, pp. 12-19. ![]() Part II of a compendium of the operas of Camille Saint-Saëns, whose best known opera today is undoubtedly Samson and Delilah. Part II covers the operas Ascanio, Phryné, Les Barbares, Hélène, L’Ancêtre and Déjanire (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 1.5MB) |
A note on Heifetz's arrangement of Rameau's
Rigaudon Musical Times, Winter 2016, pp. 105-110. ![]() Jascha Heifetz's violin-piano arrangement of Jean-Philippe Rameau's Rigaudon is widely cited as based on one of the harpsicord pieces from Pièces de Clavecin. The arrangement is actually based on a tune from the original 1739 version of Rameau's opera Dardanus (in English). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 3.8MB) |
Camille Saint-Saëns'ın Operaları, 1. bölüm (Operas of Camille
Saint-Saëns, Part I) Opera & Bale Dergisi, No. 7, November 2016, pp. 8-15. ![]() Part I of a compendium of the operas of Camille Saint-Saëns, whose best known opera today is undoubtedly Samson and Delilah. Part I covers the operas La Princesse Jaune, Le Timbre d’Argent, Samson & Delilah, Étienne Marcel, Henry VIII, and Proserpine (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 1MB) |
Prusya Kralı III. Friedrich Wilhelm'den
Beethoven'a bir Armağan (A
Present to Beethoven from King of Prussia Friedrick
Wilhelm III) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 36-37, October 2016, pp. 10-12. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 4 pages, 1.7MB) |
Batı Müziği ve İstanbul (Western Music
and İstanbul) Antik Çağdan XXI. Yüzyıla Büyük İstanbul Tarihi, (10 Volumes) Vol. 7, 2016, pp. 62-65. ![]() A short introduction to the emergence of elements of Western music in Ottoman Istanbul: first operas, visiting European artists, establishment of music institutions, music in the Ottoman palace, music masters from Istanbul, Istanbul as a theme in music (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 0.5MB) |
Jake Heggie ile bir
Sohbet (A Chat with Jake Heggie) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 10 pages, 3MB) |
Soprano Angela Meade AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 34, February 2016, pp. 11-16. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 2MB) |
Moby-Dick Operası (The Opera Moby-Dick) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 1MB) |
Uomo, Sistine Şapeli ve Sopranist Mustafa, 2.
Bölüm (Primo Uomo, Sistine Chapel and Sopranist Mustafa,
Part 2) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 11 pages, 11MB) |
Uomo, Sistine Şapeli ve Sopranist
Mustafa, 1. Bölüm (Primo Uomo, Sistine Chapel
and Sopranist Mustafa, Part 1) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 10MB) |
ile Ölüm: Leonardo Vinci ve Günümüze Ulaşan 36
Operası (Death by Chocolate: Leonardo Vinci and the 36
Operas he left behind) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 7.5MB) |
Artur Schnabel's little-known
recitals in İstanbul ![]() Master Beethoven interpreter Artur Schnabel visited the Queen of Cities Istanbul in 1931 and gave two enthusiastically received recitals there. The reviews of the performances were by the famed Orientalist and able musician Hellmut Ritter, and these appeared in the local press. Complete programs of the master's recitals are also available (in English). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 5 pages, 9MB) |
Dokuzuncu Senfonisinin Viyana prömiyeri ve Türkiye'de
ilk seslendirilişi (Vienna premiere of Beethoven's Ninth
Symphony and its first performance in Turkey) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 5.5MB) |
Diva" Şilili Soprano Verónica Villarroel
("Accidental Diva" the Chilean Soprano Verónica
Villarroel) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 7.5MB) |
İstanbul’da Parsifal’dan seçmeler (Selections from
Parsifal in old İstanbul) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 4.6MB) |
Catán'ın Sihirli Operası Florencia en el Amazonas (Daniel
Catán's Magical Opera Florencia en el Amazonas) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 9.5MB) |
Seslendirilen ilk Alman Operası (The First German Opera
in Turkey) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 9.6MB) |
Ustası Artur Schnabel'in İstanbul Resitalleri (Master
Beethoven Interpreter Artur Schnabel's İstanbul
Recitals) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 11 pages, 6.7MB) |
İçinde bir Yolculuk: Drottningholm Saray Tiyatrosu (A
Trip in Time: Drottningholm Court Theater) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 6.7MB) |
ai muzicii româneşti: Un catalog străin de la începutul
secolului XX (Romanian music masters: an outsider’s
catalogue of early 20th century) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 3 pages, 0.5MB) |
Ulusal Operası Yönetmeni: Per Boye Hansen (Norwegian
National Opera's Director: Per Boye Hansen) ![]() Per Boye Hansen was appointed the new director of the Norwegian National Opera (Den Norske Opera) by the unanimous decision of the Board of Directors out of an applicant pool of over 60. He took over this position in 2012. I talked to him in his modest office in the fantastic new opera house in Oslo (in English & Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 5.3MB) |
Hedefi Şaşmış Müzik Eleştirisi (A Few Misguided Music
Criticisms) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 3 pages, 4.2MB) |
Bülbülleri: Jenny Lind ve Christina Nilsson: II. Bölüm
(Swedish Nightingales: Jenny Lind and Christina Nilsson.
Part II: Christina Nilsson) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 9 pages, 12.2MB) |
Liszt: Traveling virtuoso 1840-47. ![]() (Click on the cover to go to the streaming video, 10:47 minutes. The bibliography can be found here. ) |
Bülbülleri: Jenny Lind ve Christina Nilsson: I. Bölüm
(Swedish Nightingales: Jenny Lind and Christina Nilsson.
Part I: Jenny Lind) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 9.8MB) |
Altar ile bir Söyleşi (An interview with Zeynep Altar) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 6.3MB) |
Alımlı Buzdağı: Yeni Oslo Opera Evi (The Iceberg on the
Fjord: The New Oslo Opera House.) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 9MB) |
Efsane Sequeira Costa, Liszt'in Son Öğrencisinin
Son Öğrencisi (Living Legend Sequeira
Costa, Last Pupil of Liszt's Last Pupil) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 44 pages, 32MB) |
Victoria’nın bir Saatlik Eşlikçisi; Felix Mendelssohn
Buckingham Sarayı’nda (Queen Victoria’s Accompanist for
an Hour; Felix Mendelsshon in the Buckingham Palace) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 6.3MB) |
Türk Tattoo’ları (Beethoven's Turkish Tattoos
“Zapfenstreiche für Türkische Musik”) ![]() Among Beethoven's output we find six marches for military band. Of the six, three are labeled as "Tattoos," or as Beethoven refers to them in his letter to publisher Carl Friedrich Peters in Leipzig "Zapfenstreiche für Türkische Musik”. These three are F major (WoO 18), F major (WoO 19) and C major (WoO 20). (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 5 pages, 7.6MB) |
“Yeniden Diriltilemiyecek Kadar Ölü” Operası I Due Foscari Los
Angeles Opera’da Dirildi (Verdi's “Dead Beyond Revival”
opera I Due Foscari
Comes to Life in Los Angeles) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 10 pages, 11.1MB) |
Tenor Bülent Bezdüz ile bir Söyleşi ve Donizetti'nin Lucrezia Borgia'sı
(An Interview with the Lyric Tenor Bülent Bezdüz and on
Donizetti's Lucrezia
Borgia) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 13.7MB) |
Nagano ile bir Söyleşi (An Interview with Kent Nagano) ![]() An in depth interview with Maestro Kent Nagano. This interview took place in Gothenburg, Sweden in April 2012, where Nagano conducted the Gothenburg Symphony and Chorus with an international cast in a concertante version of Wagner's Götterdammerung (in English & Turkish) (Click on the cover to download PDF, 11 pages, 11.5MB) |
Strausslar ve Osmanlı Hanedanı (Musical Strausses and
the Ottoman Dynasty) ![]() (Click on the cover to for more information) |
Aida'sı 49 Yıl
Sonra La Scala'da (Zeffirelli's Aida at La Scala
after 49 Years) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 1.5MB) |
Obituary of J. Grady Hobson RC Quarterly, Issue 42, Spring-Summer 2012, pp. 80. ![]() The Robert College community lost one of its beloved teachers in November 2011. James Grady Hobson passed away peacefully at his home in Selma California at the age of 85. It is safe to say that no one who knew him, was his student, or worked with him will ever forget him (in English). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 2 pages, 116KB) |
Riga Wagner Salonu (Latvia, Riga's Wagner Hall) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 7 pages, 3.2MB) |
Göteborg Şehrinin Opera Evi (Göteborg's Opera House) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 2MB) |
Kraliçe Victoria'nin Taç Giyme Töreni ve Fethi
Ahmed Paşa (Queen Victoria's Coronation and Fethi Ahmed
Paşa) Toplumsal Tarih, No. 211, July 2011, pp. 68-72. ![]() Dignitaries from all around the world converged to London for the coronation of young Queen Victoria on June 28, 1838. The appointed Ottoman representative was Fethi Ahmet Paşa (1801 - 1858),an influential Ottoman and the son-in-law of Sultan Mahmud II. Contrary to many sources, he never made it to London in time for the coronation, arriving almost a month later. The Porte was in fact represented by the then Ambassador Sarim Ibrahim Paşa (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 5 pages, 540KB) |
Donizetti Kraliçeleri ve Leyla Gencer (Donizetti's
Queens and Leyla Gencer) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 8, May 2011, pp. 38-42. ![]() This article is on the Donizetti's English queens and the Turkish soprano "La Diva Turca" Leyla Gencer who was the main exponent of the Donizetti renaissance of the 20th century. The first part is a short article on the historical Anna Bolena, Maria Stuarda and Elizabeth I. The second part is a translation of Gencer's own views on the interpretation of the Donizetti queens, taken from her lecture-recital in Trieste in 1982 (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 5 pages, 5.2MB) |
Daniel Catán Artık Aramızda Değil (Daniel
Catán is no longer with us) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 8, May 2011, pp. 26-27. ![]() Reflections on the personality, friendship and the legacy of composer Daniel Catán who sadly passed away in April 2011 (in English & Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 2 pages, 2MB) |
Il Turco
Los Angeles'te (Il Turco
in Los Angeles) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 7, March 2011, pp. 12-18. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 4.7MB) |
Daniel Catán'ın Il
Postino operası: Bir Aşk Öyküsünün Yeniden Doğuşu
(Daniel Catán’s Il
Postino: A Love Story Retold) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 6, January 2011, pp. 6-11. ![]() A review of composer-librettist Daniel Catán’s new opera Il Postino. September 23, 2010 saw the premiere Il Postino in Los Angeles starring tenor Plácido Domingo as Pablo Neruda. Tenor Charles Castronovo sang Mario and soprano Amanda Squitieri starred as Beatrice. "... akin to a Verdi or a Puccini work, an understandable opera with the humor of Skármeta’s story and the poetry of Neruda himself." (in English & Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 8 pages, 3.4MB) |
Victoria" için Türk Valsi (A Turkish Waltz for Queen
Victoria) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 4 pages, 6.6MB) |
Daniel Catán - Çağdaş bir Opera Bestecisi
(Daniel Catán - Opera Composer Extraordinaire) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 4, September 2010, pp. 16-26. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 12 pages, 9.1MB) |
ve Lanner'in Fethi Ahmet Paşa'ya İthaf Ettiği Valsler
(Waltzes Dedicated to Fethi Ahmet Paşa by Strauss and
Lanner) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 11 pages, 5.9MB) |
Müzikte bir Oryantalizm örneği: François
Couperin’in Sultana’sı
Orientalist work: François Couperin’s La Sultanne) Toplumsal Tarih, No. 201, September 2010, pp. 80-85. ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 854KB) |
Dünya Sahnelerinden: Los Angeles Yüzük Festivali ve
Wagner'in Das Rheingold
(Ren Altını) Operası (From the World Stage: LA Ring
Festival and Wagner's Das
Rheingold) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 3-5. ![]() On the Los Angeles Ring Festival and a review of the June 2010 performance of Wagner's Das Rheingold by the Los Angeles Opera (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 5 pages, 540KB) |
Dünya Sahnelerinden: Timurlenk (Tamerlano) Operası
Los Angeles'te (From the World Stage: Tamerlano in Los
Angeles) AKOB, Akdeniz Opera ve Bale Kulübü Kültür-Sanat Dergisi, No. 1, January 2010, pp. 4-6. ![]() A review of the November 2009 performance of Handel's opera Tamerlano by the Los Angeles Opera, featuring Placido Domingo as the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 4 pages, 3.5MB) |
The Liszt-Listmann Incident Studia Musicologica 49/3–4, 2008, pp. 1–19, Final published version DOI: 10.1556/SMus.49.2008.3-4.1. Before ending his performance career by concerts in Odessa and Elizabethgrad in 1847, Franz Liszt visited Istanbul, gave a number of public concerts and performed twice for Sultan Abdul-Medgid in the Tcheragan Palace. A widely reported ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 20 pages, 854KB) |
Doğu Masalları:
Johann Strauss'un Sultan II. Abdülhamid'e İthafen
Yazdığı Vals (Märchen
aus dem Orient: The Waltz Johann Strauss
Composed for Sultan Abdülhamid II) ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 15 pages, 8.4MB) An interpretation from a 1892 piano version, recorded by pianist Zeynep Üçbaşaran can be found here: Johann Strauss, Opus 444 (mp3). |
Sultan Abdülmecid ve J. Strauss (Sultan
Abdül-Medjid and J. Strauss) Musiki Mecmuası (Music Magazine, Special Issue), No. 474, March 2006, pp. 6-37 ( Özel Sayı). This article is about the Ottoman Sultan Abdül-Medjid (Abdul-medgid) , and music dedicated to him by J. Strauss. Strauss sent this music to the Porte in May 1849 accompanied by a letter. There is a ![]() (Click on the cover to download PDF, 32 pages, 11.4MB) |
E. Strauss'un Sultan Abdülaziz'e Ithaf Ettiği Beste
(The Huldigunger Walzer
composed by E. Strauss for the Ottoman Sultan Abdül-Aziz
Khan) Musiki Mecmuası (Music Magazine), No. 477, December 2006, pp. 2-17. ![]() Eduard Strauss is the least popular of the Strauss brothers as a composer, although his fame as the conductor of the Strauss orchestra was considerable. Johann Strauss Jr. would jokingly refer to himself as "Edi's brother". Eduard's Huldigungen Walzer, Op. 88 was written for the 32nd Ottoman Sultan Abdül-Aziz Khan and published by C. A. Spina in 1872. A facsimile of the piano version of the work is included (in Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 15 pages, 11.5MB) |
E. Strauss'dan Sultan Abdülaziz'e bir Beste (The
Composition from E. Strauss to Sultan Abdül-Aziz) 1453, Journal of Istanbul's Culture and Art, No. 3, January-February-March 2008, pp. 154-158. ![]() Based on the Music Magazine article (Music Magazine, No. 477, December 2006, pp. 2-17 on the Huldigungen Walzer, Op. 88 of Eduard Strauss, which was written for the 32nd Ottoman Sultan Abdül-Aziz Khan and published by C. A. Spina in 1872 (in English & Turkish). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 6 pages, 1MB) |
Beauty and Truth This is a short children's tale by Aziz Nesin. I translated it from Turkish for my daughter's 4-th grade GATE class. It is a beautiful introduction to Poetry. You are welcome to download it and use it for educational purposes. Aziz Nesin (1915—1995) was a popular Turkish humorist and author of ![]() (Click on the photo to download PDF, 5 pages, 70KB) |
J. Grady Hobson RC Quarterly, Issue 22, Spring-Summer 2003, pp. 46-48. ![]() An interview with James Grady Hobson, who spent many years teaching at Robert College of Istanbul (in English). (Click on the cover to download PDF, 3 pages, 190KB) |