Ömer Egecioglu
Professor, Department of Computer Science
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
Downloadable Publications (under construction):
On Twin EP Numbers
(with B. Şahin)
Trans. Combin. 14 (4),
2024, pp. 261-270.
Euler Numbers and Diametral Paths in Fibonacci Cubes, Lucas Cubes and Alternate Lucas Cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Discrete Math., Algorithms and Applications, 16 (3),
2024, https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793830923500271.
An Euler-Like Product with Fibonacci Exponents
La Matematica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s44007-024-00099-w, February, 2024.
On Languages Generated by Signed Grammars
(with B. Nagy)
EPTCS 388, Proc. 13th NCMA, Famagusta, Sep. 18-19, 2023, pp. 28-38.
On the Properties of the Anisotropic Multivariate Hermite-Gauss Functions
(with S. Steinberg and L-Q. Yan)
Hacet. J. Math. Stat., Vol. 53 No. 2, 2024, pp. 405-416, doi:10.15672/hujms.1114405.
Fibonacci Cubes with Applications and Variations
(with S. Klavžar and M. Mollard)
ISBN: 978-981-126-903-5, World Scientific,
March 2023.
The Mostar and Wiener Index of Alternate Lucas Cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Trans. Combin. 12 (1),
2023, pp. 37-46.
Alternate Lucas Cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 32 (7),
2021, pp. 871-899.
The structure of k-Lucas cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Hacet. J. Math. Stat., 50 (3), 2021, pp. 754-769.
Lessons in Enumerative Combinatorics
(with A. Garsia)
Graduate Texts in Math. No. 290, Springer,
May 2021.
Fibonacci-run graphs II: Degree sequences
(with V. Iršič)
Discrete Applied Math. 300,
2021, pp. 56-71.
The Mostar Index of Fibonacci and Lucas Cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 44, 2021, pp. 3677-3687.
The number of short cycles in Fibonacci cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Theoretical Computer Science, 871, 2021, pp. 134-146.
Fibonacci-run graphs I: Basic properties
(with V. Iršič)
Discrete Applied Math. 295,
2021, pp. 70-84.
The Irregularity Polynomials of Fibonacci and Lucas cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 44, 2021, pp. 753-765.
Lectures in Algebraic Combinatorics
(with A. Garsia)
Lecture Notes in Math. No. 2277, Springer,
October 2020.
On the chromatic polynomial and the domination number of
k-Fibonacci Cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Turk. J. of Math. 44,
2020, pp. 1813-1823.
k-Fibonacci Cubes: A Family of Subgraphs of Fibonacci Cubes
(with E. Saygı and Z. Saygı)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 31 (5),
2020, pp. 639-661.
- Statistics on Restricted Fibonacci Words
Trans. Combin. 10 (1), 2020, pp. 31-42.
Boundary enumerator polynomial of hypercubes in Fibonacci cubes
(with E. Saygı)
Discrete Applied Math. 266, 2019, pp. 191-199.
q-Counting Hypercubes in Lucas Cubes (with E. Saygı)
Turk. J. Math. 42, 2018, pp. 190-203.
Privacy-Preserving Certification of Sustainability Metrics
(with C. Sahin, B. Kuczenski and A. El Abbadi)
Proc. 8th
ACM Conf. on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY’18),
Mar. 19-21, 2018, Tempe, AZ, pp. 53-63.
q-cube Enumerator Polynomial of Fibonacci Cubes
(with E. Saygı)
Discrete Applied Math.,
226, 2017, pp. 127-137.
Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Life Cycle
Assessment Computations (with C. Sahin, B. Kuczenski and A. El Abbadi)
Proc. 7th
ACM Conf. on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY’17),
Mar. 22-24, 2017, Scottsdale, AZ, pp. 167-170.
- A Note on Iterated Galileo Sequences
Discrete Math., Algorithms and Applications,
Vol. 9, No. 2, Jan. 2017.
- Counting Disjoint Hypercubes in Fibonacci Cubes (with E. Saygı)
Discrete Applied Math., 215, 2016, pp. 231-237. (PDF)
- A Matrix Decomposition Method for Optimal Normal Basis Multiplication (with C. Kızılkale and C. K. Koc)
IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol. 65, No. 11, 2016, pp. 3239 - 3250. (PDF)
- Reducing the Complexity of Normal Basis Multiplication (with C. K. Koc)
Proc. 5th Int. Workshop on the Arithmetic of Finite Fields, WAIFI 2014, LNCS 9061, pp. 61-80. (PDF)
- The Impartial, Anonymous and Neutral Culture Model: A Probability
Model for Sampling Public
Preference Structures
(with A. E. Giritligil)
The J. of Mathematical Sociology, 37, 2013, pp. 203-222. (PDF)
- Fixed-Parameter Tractability of Error Correction in Graphical Linear
(with P. Damaschke and L. Molokov)
Proc. WALCOM 2013,
Kharagpur, India,
Subir Kumar Ghosh & Takeshi Tokuyama (Eds.), LNCS 7748, 2013, pp. 245-256.
- Multitape NFA: Weak Synchronization of the Input Heads
(with O. Ibarra and N. Tran)
Proc. SOFSEM 2012,
Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic,
M. Bielikova et al. (Eds.), LNCS 7748, 2013, pp. 245-256.
- A Survey of Results on Stateless Multicounter Automata
(with O. Ibarra)
Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 116, 2012, pp. 129–140.
- Hierarchies of Stateless Multicounter 5' → 3' Watson-Crick Automata
(with L. Hegedüs and B. Nagy)
Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 110, No. 1-4, 2011, pp. 111-123.
Anónimos: An LP based Approach for Anonymizing Weighted Social Network Graphs
(with S. Das and A. El Abbadi)
IEEE Trans. on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 4, Apr. 2012, pp. 590-604.
arXiv:1004.0048v1 [cs.DB], 2011.
- Stateless Multicounter 5' → 3' Watson-Crick Automata: The
Deterministic Case
(with L. Hegedüs and B. Nagy)
Natural Computing, 11(3), 2011, pp. 361-368.
- The Likelihood of Choosing the Borda-winner with Partial Preference
Rankings of the Electorate
(with A. E. Giritligil)
J. of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2011, pp. 349-361.
- Hierarchy Results On Stateless Multicounter 5' → 3' Watson-Crick Automata
(with L. Hegedüs and B. Nagy)
Proc. IWANN 2011,
Malaga, Spain,
J. Cabestany, I. Rojas & G. Joya (Eds.), LNCS 6691, pp. 465-472.
A prime sensitive Hankel determinant of Jacobi symbol enumerators
Annals of Combinatorics, 14, 2010, pp. 443-456.
Bessel Polynomials and the Partial Sums of the Exponential Series
SIAM J. on Discrete Math., Vol. 24, No. 4, 2010, pp. 1753-1762.
- Stable Factorization of Strictly Hurwitz Polynomials
(with B. S. Yarman)
Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control,
Vol. V, No. 5, 2010, pp. 701-709.
- Stateless Multicounter 5' → 3' Watson-Crick Automata
(with L. Hegedüs and B. Nagy)
Proc. BIC-TA 2010, Fifth Int. Conf. on
Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, Liverpool, UK, Sep. 2010, Vol. II, pp. 1599-1606.
- Evolutionary Expansion and Specialization of the PDZ
(with O. Sakarya, C. Conaco, S. A. Solla, T. H. Oakley and K. S. Kosik)
Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27 (5), 2010, pp. 1058-69.
- Anonymizing Weighted Social Network Graphs
(with S. Das and A. El Abbadi)
Proc. 26th Int. Conf. on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2010, pp. 904-907.
- A Multilinear Operator for Almost Product Evaluation
of Hankel Determinants
(with T. Redmond and C. Ryavec)
J. of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 117, 2010, pp. 77-103.
- Uniform Generation of Anonymous and Neutral Preference Profiles for
Social Choice Rules
Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 15 (3), 2009, pp. 241-255
- A Catalan-Hankel Determinant Evaluation
Congressus Numerantium, 195, 2009, pp. 49-63.
- Hierarchies and Characterizations of Stateless Multicounter Machines
(with O. Ibarra)
Proc. 15th Int. Computing and Combinatorics Conf.
(COCOON'09), LNCS 5609, Niagara Falls, July 2009, pp. 408-417.
- Analysis of Bit-Split
Languages for Packet Scanning and Experiments with Wildcard Matching
(with R. Dixon and T. Sherwood)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 20 (4), 2009, pp. 597-612.
- Asynchronous Spiking Neural P Systems
(with M. Cavaliere, O. Ibarra, M. Ionescu, G. Paun and S. Woodworth)
Theoretical Computer Science, 410 (2009), pp. 2352-2364.
- On Stateless Multicounter Machines
(with O. Ibarra)
Proc. CiE 2009, Heidelberg, July 2009, K. Ambos-Spies, B. Lowe & W. Merkle (Eds.),
LNCS 5635, pp. 178-187.
- Strongly Regular Grammars and Regular Approximation of Context-Free Languages
Proc. DLT 2009, Stuttgart, July 2009,
V. Diekert & D. Nowotka (Eds.),
LNCS 5583, pp. 207-220.
- Rome: Performance and Anonymity using Route Meshes
(with K. P. N. Puttaswamy, A. Sala, and B. Y. Zhao)
Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM (Mini-Conference), Rio de Janeiro, Apr., 2009.
- On Böttcher's mysterious identity
Australasian J. of Combinatorics (http://ajc.maths.uq.edu.au), Volume 43, 2009, pp. 307-316.
- Evaluation of a Special Hankel Determinant of Binomial Coefficients
(with T. Redmond and C. Ryavec)
Discrete Math. and Theoretical Computer Science, AI, 2008, pp. 251-268.
- Automata-Theoretic Analysis of Bit-Split
Languages for Packet Scanning
(with R. Dixon and T. Sherwood)
Proc. CIAA 2008, San Francisco, July 2008, O.H. Ibarra & B. Ravikumar (Eds.), LNCS 5148, pp. 141-150.
- q-Analogues of a convolution identity for central binomial coefficients
Int. J. of Pure and Applied Math., (43) 2, 2008, pp. 241-252 .
- Asynchronous Spiking Neural P Systems: Decidability and Undecidability
(with M. Cavaliere, O. Ibarra, M. Ionescu, G. Paun and S. Woodworth)
DNA13, Memphis, June 4-8, 2007, Selected papers LNCS, Volume 4848, 2008, pp. 246-255.
- Almost Product Evaluation of Hankel Determinants
(with T. Redmond and C. Ryavec)
Electronic J. of Combinatorics, 15 (2008), #R6 (58 pages).
Dynamic and Fractional Programming based Approximation Algorithms for Sequence
Alignment with Constraints
(with A. Arslan)
Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics, (Ed. T. Gonzalez),
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2007, pp. 76:01-76:15.
- DeltaSky: Optimal Maintenance of Skyline Deletions without Exclusive Dominance
Region Generation
(with A. El Abbadi, D. Agrawal and P. Wu)
Proc. ICDE 2007, Apr. 2007, Istanbul, pp. 486-495.
- A q-Analogue of the Parikh Matrix Mapping
(with O. Ibarra)
Formal Models, Languages and Applications,
K. G. Subramanian, K. Rangarajan & M. Mukund (Eds.),
Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 66, 2006, pp. 97-111.
- Algorithms for the Constrained Longest Common Subsequence
(with A. Arslan)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 16 (6), 2005, pp. 1099-1110.
- Optimal Data-Space Partitioning of Spatial Data
for Parallel I/O
(with A. El Abbadi, D. Agrawal and H. Ferhatosmanoglu)
Distributed and Parallel Databases,
Vol. 17, No. 1, 2005,
pp. 75-101.
- A Matrix q-Analogue of the Parikh Map
(with O. Ibarra)
Proc. TCS 2004, 18th World Computer Congress, Toulouse, Aug.
2004, pp. 125-138.
- Algorithms for the Constrained Longest Common Subsequence
(with A. Arslan)
Proc. Prague Stringology Conf. 2004, M. Simanek & J. Holub (Eds.), Prague, Aug.
2004, pp. 24-32.
- Dynamic Programming Based
Approximation Algorithms for Sequence Alignment with Constraints
(with A. Arslan)
INFORMS J. on Computing,
Special Issue on Computational Molecular Biology/Bioinformatics,
16 (4), 2004, pp. 441-458.
- A Class of Graphs which has Efficient Ranking and Unranking Algorithms for Spanning Trees and Forests
(with J. Remmel and G. Williamson)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 15 (4), 2004, pp. 619-648.
- Extremal Sets Minimizing Dimension-Normalized Boundary in Hamming Graphs
(with C. Azizoglu)
SIAM J. on Discrete Math.
17 (2), 2004, pp. 219-236.
- Dynamic Dimensionality Reduction and Similarity Computation by Inner-Product
(with H. Ferhatosmanoglu and U. Ogras)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
16 (6), 2004, pp. 714-726.
- A q-Matrix Encoding Extending the Parikh Matrix Mapping
Proceedings of ICCC 2004, Baile Felix Spa-Oradea, Romania, 2004,
pp. 147-153.
- The Bisection Width and the Isoperimetric Number of Arrays
(with C. Azizoglu)
Discrete Applied Math., 138, Issues 1-2 (2004),
pp. 3-12.
- Catalytic P Systems, Semilinear Sets, and Vector Addition Systems
(with O. Ibarra and Z. Dang)
Theoretical Computer Science, 312 (2004), pp. 379-399.
- Characterizations of Catalytic Membrane Computing Systems
(with O. Ibarra, Z. Dang, and G. Saxena)
Proceedings of MFCS 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2747 (2003), pp. 480-489.
- Approximation Algorithms for Local Alignment with Length
(with A. Arslan)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 13 (5), 2002, pp. 751-767.
- Efficient Computation of Long Similar Subsequences
(with A. Arslan)
Proc. 9th Int. Sym. on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2002),
LNCS 2476, Lisbon, Portugal, Sep. 2002, pp. 77-90.
- Dictionary Look-up Within Small Edit Distance
(with A. Arslan)
Proc. 8th Int. Computing and Combinatorics Conf.
(COCOON'02), LNCS 2387, Singapore, Aug. 2002, pp. 127-136.
- Automatic Processor Lower Bound Formulas for Array Computations
(with P. Cappello)
Proc. ISPAN 2002, Metro Manila, Philippines, May 2002, pp. 59-64.
- Algorithms For Local Alignment
With Length Constraints
(with A. Arslan)
Proc. 5th Latin American Theoretical Informatics
Symposium (LATIN 2002), LNCS 2286, Cancun, Mexico, Apr. 2002, pp. 38-51.
- From a Polynomial Riemann Hypothesis to
Alternating Sign
Matrices (with T. Redmond and C. Ryavec)
The Electronic J. of Combinatorics,
Volume 8 (1), (2001), #R36 (51 pages)
- Parametric Approximation Algorithms for
High-Dimensional Euclidean Similarity
Proc. 5th European Conf. on
Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD'01),
LNAI 2168,
Sep. 3-7, 2001, Freiburg, Germany, pp. 79-90.
- The Isoperimetric Number and the Bisection Width of Generalized
(with C. Azizoglu)
Proc. of the Ninth Quadrennial Int. Conf.
on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms, and Applications, special issue of Electronic Notes in
Discrete Math., 11 (2002).
- Minimum-energy Broadcast in Simple Graphs with Limited Node Power (with T. Gonzalez)
Proc. IASTED Int. Conf.
on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2001),
Anaheim, CA, Aug. 2001, pp. 334-338.
- Polynomial Families Satisfying a Riemann Hypothesis
(with C. Ryavec)
Congressus Numerantium, 149, pp. 177-191 (2001)
- An Improved Upper Bound on the Size of Planar Convex-Hulls
(with A. Arslan)
Proc. 7th Int. Computing and Combinatorics Conf.
(COCOON'01), LNCS 2108, Guilin, China, Aug. 2001, pp. 111-120.
- A New Approach to Sequence Comparison: Normalized
Sequence Alignment
(with A. Arslan and P. Pevzner)
Bioinformatics, 17, pp. 327-337 (2001).
- An Introduction to Processor-Time-Optimal Systolic Arrays
(with P. Cappello and C. Scheiman)
Highly Parallel Computations: Algorithms and Applications (P. Bekakos, ed.).
pp. 237-270 (2001)
- A New Approach to Sequence Alignment
(with A. Arslan and P. Pevzner)
Proc. of the Fifth Annual Int.
Conf. on Computational
Biology (RECOMB 2001), Apr. 22-25, 2001 Montreal, Canada, pp. 2-11.
- Processor-Time-Optimal Systolic Arrays
(with P. Cappello and C. Scheiman)
Parallel Algorithms and Applications 15, pp. 167-199
- Dimensionality Reduction
and Similarity Computation by
Inner Product Approximations
(with H. Ferhatosmanoglu)
Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management
(CIKM'00), McLean VA, pp. 219-226 (2000)
- Efficient Algorithms for Normalized Edit Distance
(with A. Arslan)
J. of Discrete Algorithms, (special issue on
Matching Patterns)
Vol. 1, No. 1 (2000), pp. 3-20
- Efficient Non-parametric Density Estimation on the Sphere
with Applications in Fluid Mechanics
(with A. Srinivasan)
SIAM J. on Scientific Computing
22 (1), pp. 152-176 (2000)
- Lower Bounds on Communication Loads and Optimal
Placements in Torus Networks
(with C. Azizoglu)
IEEE Transactions on Computers 49 (3), pp. 259-266 (2000)
- Image Compression for Fast Wavelet-Based Subregion
(with A. Poulakidas, A. Srinivasan, O. Ibarra, and T. Yang)
Theoretical Computer Science 240, pp. 447-469 (2000)
- The Isoperimetric Number of d-dimensional k-ary Arrays
(with C. Azizoglu)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 10 (3), pp. 289-300 (1999)
((to be updated) PDF)
- An Efficient Uniform-Cost Normalized Edit Distance Algorithm
(with A. Arslan)
Proc. 6-th String Processing and Information Retrieval Conf.
(SPIRE'99), Cancun Mexico, pp. 8-15 (1999)
- Random Walks and Catalan Factorization
(with A. King)
Congressus Numerantium 138, pp. 129-140 (1999)
- DFT Techniques for Size Estimation of Database Join Operations
(with A. El Abbadi and K. Sarac)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 10 (1), pp. 81-102
- Circular Data-Space Partitioning for Similarity Queries and
Parallel Disk Allocation
(with H. Ferhatosmanoglu)
Proc. of PDCS'99, Boston MA, pp. 194-200 (1999)
- Adaptive Partitioning and Scheduling for Enhancing WWW Application
(with D. Andresen, T. Yang, and O. Ibarra)
J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 49, pp. 57-85 (1998)
- Algorithms for Almost-uniform Generation with an
Unbiased Binary Source
(with M. Peinado)
Proc. of COCOON'98,
W.-L. Hsu & M.-Y. Kao (Eds.), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 117-126 (1998)
- Iterated DFT Based Techniques for Join Size Estimation
(with A. El Abbadi and K. Sarac)
Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management
(CIKM'98), Washington D.C., pp. 348-355 (1998)
- Isoperimetric Number of the Cartesian Product of Graphs and Paths
(with C. Azizoglu)
Congressus Numerantium 131, pp. 135-143 (1998)
- Processor Lower Bound Formulas for Array Computations and Parametric
Diophantine Systems
(with P. Cappello)
Int. J. of Foundations of Computer Sci. 9 (4), pp. 351-375
- Lower Bounds on Communication Loads and Optimal
Placements in Torus Networks (extended abstract)
(with C. Azizoglu)
Proc. IEEE 1998 IPPS/SPDP Sym., Orlando FL, pp. 460-464 (1998)
- Processor Lower Bound Formulas for Array Computations
and Parametric Diophantine Systems (extended abstract)
(with P. Cappello)
Proc. IEEE 1998 IPPS/SPDP Sym., Orlando FL, pp. 105-109
- LU Factorization and Parallel Evaluation of Continued
Proc. of PDCS'98, Y. Pan, S.G. Akl & K. Li (Eds.), Las Vegas NV, pp. 186-189 (1998)
- A Fast Non-Parametric Density Estimation Algorithm
(with A. Srinivasan)
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 13, pp. 755-763 (1997)
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics techniques for the solution of
kinetic theory problems. Part 1: Method
(with C. Chaubal, G. Leal, and A. Srinivasan)
J. of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 70, pp. 125-154 (1997)
- Asymptotic Hypercube Embeddings of Dynamic k-ary Trees
(with M. Ibel)
Congressus Numerantium 126, pp. 21-32 (1997)
- Analysis of quorum-based protocols for distributed
(with D. Agrawal and A. El Abbadi)
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
8 (5), pp. 533-537 (1997)
- Billiard Quorums on the Grid
(with D. Agrawal and A. El Abbadi)
Information Processing Letters 64, pp. 9-16 (1997)
- Parallel Algorithms for Fast Computation of Normalized
Edit Distances
(with M. Ibel)
Proc. IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Distributed
Processing (SPDP'96), New Orleans, pp. 496-503 (1996)
- A Computationally Intractable Problem on Simplicial Complexes
(with T. Gonzalez)
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications 6,
pp. 85-98 (1996)
- Scalability Issues for High Performance Digital Libraries on the
World Wide Web
(with D. Andresen, T. Yang, O. Ibarra, and T. Smith)
Proc. of ADL '96, Forum on Research and Technology Advances in Digital Libraries,
Washington D.C., pp. 139-150 (1996)
- Domain Decomposition for Particle Methods on the Sphere
(with A. Srinivasan)
Proc. Third Int. Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Irregularly
Structured Problems (IRREGULAR'96), Santa Barbara CA, pp. 119-130 (1996)
- Parallelogram-Law Type Identities
Linear Algebra and Its Applications 225, pp. 1-12 (1995)
- Givens and Householder Reductions for Linear Least Squares on a
Cluster of Workstations
(with A. Srinivasan)
Proc. Int. Conf. on High Performance Computing (HiPC'95), New Delhi
India, pp. 734-739 (1995)
- Naming Symmetric Processes Using Shared Variables
(with A. Singh)
Distributed Computing 8, pp. 19-38 (1994)
- A Bijection for Spanning Trees of Complete Multipartite
(with J. Remmel)
Congressus Numerantium 100, pp. 225-243
- Exponentiation using Canonical Recoding
(with C. K. Koc)
Theoretical Computer Science 129, pp. 407-417 (1994)
- Visibility Graphs of Staircase Polygons with Uniform Step Length
(with J. Abello)
Int. J. of Computational Geometry and Applications 3 (1), pp. 27-38
- Optimal Parallel Prefix on Mesh Architectures
(with A. Srinivasan)
Parallel Algorithms and Applications I, pp. 191-209
- A Parallel Algorithm for Generating Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials
(with C. K. Koc)
Parallel Computing 18, pp. 646-659 (1992)
- Topology Preservation for Speech Recognition
(with G. de Haan)
Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 92), Banff, pp. 463-466 (1992).
A Combinatorial Generalization of a Putnam Problem
The American Mathematical Monthly 99, pp. 256-258 (1992)
- Parallel Prefix Computation with Few Processors
(with C. K. Koc)
Computers and Math. with Applications 24, pp. 77-84
- Feature Maps for Input Normalization and Feature Integration in
a Speaker Independent Isolated Digit Recognition System
(with G. de Haan)
Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 677-681 (1992).
- On Fast Computation of Continued Fractions
(with C. K. Koc and J. Rifa i Coma)
Computers and Math. with Applications 21,
pp. 167-169 (1991)
- Brick Tabloids and the Connection Matrices Between Bases of Symmetric
(with J. Remmel)
Disc. Appl. Math. 34, pp. 107-120 (1991)
- Links between Self-organizing Feature Maps and Weighted Vector
(with G. de Haan)
IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks,
Singapore, Vol. 1, pp. 887-892 (1991)
- Application of Back Propagation Algorithms to Speech
(with B. Mak)
Proc. IASTED Int. Symp. on Machine Learning and Neural Networks, NY,
pp. 41-44, (1990)
- Communication Parameter Tests and Parallel Back Propagation Algorithms
on iPSC/2 Hypercube Multiprocessor
(with B. Mak)
Proc. of the IEEE Fifth Distributed Memory Computer Conf.,
Charleston, SC, Vol. 2,
pp. 1353-1364, (1990)
Skew-Symmetric Matrices and the Pfaffian
Ars Combinatoria, 29, pp. 107-116 (1990)
- A Parallel Method for Fast and Practical
High-Order Newton Interpolation
(with C. K. Koc and E. Gallopoulos)
BIT, 30(2), pp. 268-288, (1990)
- The Monomial Symmetric Functions and the Frobenius Map
(with J. Remmel)
J. of Comb. Theory A 54, pp. 272-295 (1990)
- A Combinatorial Interpretation of the Inverse Kostka Matrix
(with J. Remmel)
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 26, pp. 59-84 (1990)
- Approximating the Diameter of a Set of Points in the Euclidean
(with B. Kalantari)
Information Processing Letters 32, pp. 205-211 (1989)
- Recursive Doubling Algorithm for Solution of Tridiagonal Systems on
Hypercube Multiprocessors
(with C. K. Koc and A. Laub)
J. of Computational and Applied Math. 27, pp. 95-108 (1989)
- A Fast Algorithm for Rational Interpolation via Orthogonal
(with C. K. Koc)
Math. of Computation 53, pp. 246-264 (1989)
- Parallel Hermite Interpolation: An Algebraic Approach
(with C. K. Koc and E. Gallopoulos)
Computing 42, pp. 291-307 (1989)
- Fast Computation of Divided Differences and Parallel Hermite
(with C. K. Koc and E. Gallopoulos)
J. of Complexity 5, pp. 417-437 (1989)
- A Combinatorial Proof of the Giambelli Identity for Schur Functions
(with J. Remmel)
Advances in Math. 70, pp. 59-86 (1988)
- The one Dimensional Random Pairing Problem in a Cellular
Robotic System
(with B. Zimmermann)
Proc. IEEE. Int. Symp. on Intelligent Control, Arlington, VA, pp. 76-80 (1988)
- A Bijective Proof for the Number of Labeled q-trees
(with L. P. Shen)
Ars Combinatoria 25B, pp. 3-30 (1988)
- Computable Functions and Complexity in Neural Networks
(with T. Smith and J. Moody)
in Real Brains, Artificial Minds (J. L. Casti, A. Karlqvist, eds.),
North-Holland, pp. 135-164 (1987).
- Bijections for Cayley Trees, Spanning Trees, and Their q-analogues
(with J. Remmel)
J. of Comb. Theory A 42, pp. 15-30 (1986)
- Symmetric and Antisymmetric Plethysms of Schur Functions
(with J. Remmel)
Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 32, pp. 157-196 (1985)
- Algorithms for the character theory of the symmetric group
Proc. of EUROCAL'85, LNCS Vol. 204, pp. 206-224 (1985).
- Murnaghan's Rule and the Irreducible Characters of the Symmetric Group
(with G. Costa)
Computer Physics Comm. 31, pp. 357-362 (1984)
- The Parity of the Catalan Numbers via Lattice Paths,
Fibonacci Quarterly, 21 (1), pp. 65-66 (1983)
- Computation of Outer Products of Schur Functions
Computer Physics Comm. 28, pp. 183-187 (1982)